Chapter 30 : Missing Pieces

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With a shuffling noise constantly buzzing from the left direction, Y/n abruptly opened their eyes as they adjusted to the artificial light. Their vision was blurred as they rubbed the gunk off from their eyes. Somehow, they felt unusual in themselves, as though they had lost their physical and mental sensitivity, but as instantly their vision adjusted, they felt a growing pain in their wrist and shoulder.

"You're awake. Get ready for the meeting." A familiar voice erupted from a few feet away.

"What do you mean meeting? I was never informed." Y/n complained in a husky voice while sitting up and fixating their sight on the person they were talking to.

"I did inform you before new years and you did agree to it." The tanned male shot back as he sat next to Y/n on his bed.

"Who exactly is coming?" Sighed Y/n.

"Izana, his second in command, Haitani brothers and Hanma."

Kisaki got off from the bed and went to his kitchen, bringing a glass of water for Y/n.

"What were you doing at that plaza when you found me?" Asked Y/n as they took the glass of water and sipped. How did they end up at Kisaki's place after blacking out there? And Kisaki out of everyone-this felt very out of place to them.

"I was going to see Hanma but then I found you unconsciously lying there, so I carried you here. Then I decided to call the meeting right here and now since you were already with me and those guys are always free to come." Kisaki explained, getting a nod in return.

'Y/n isn't much of a talker like I had expected huh..' The male concluded in his head as he noticed them rise up from the bed.

"Where's the bathroom?" The h/c asked, sounding a bit tired.

"Right at the corner, there."


Y/n quickly made their way to the bathroom; locking door, they faced the mirror. The flashback about the strange experience rushed to their mind as they turned the faucet on.

They had no idea what that feeling was before they blacked out, all they could remember right now was that they were seeing several blur images which couldn't be interpreted. And about what they were doing before that-it completely got washed from their memory. It was as if a huge part of their memory had been erased because of that.

'Something's up with my memory..' Y/n mentally presumed as they lowered down to wash their face.

'And it's certainly related to what Hanagaki said earlier.' Concluding this, they wiped their face with the towel.

'And Kisaki carrying me to his place is so uncanny. Though his reasoning was believable, I take it with a grain of salt.'

They didn't linger much on that strange experience for long after that, and stepped out of the bathroom. Afterall, they needed to busy themselves with the incoming meeting at hand-which-they hadn't even been informed about.

"How long was I out for? And how long will those guys take?" Y/n finally looked around Kisaki's place whilst asking that. His house wasn't very pleasing but also not boring.

"About 30 minutes I suppose. And those guys must be arrivi-" The guy was cut off by the doorbell, "Perfect timing." He commented under his breath while opening the door. And one by one, former members of the vicious generation walked in.

"Greetings." Haitani Ran

"Fancy seeing you again, Y/n." Haitani Rindo

The two brothers flashed them their signature smiles while walking in, followed by three other males. The First-who had a big scar on his head and a monocular vision-Second-who had white hair with a tanned complexion-and the Third-Kisaki's stupid lackey Hanma.

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