Chapter 24 : Birth

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"The year's first meeting of all the members of Tokyo Manji Gang will now begin!"

The President stepped forward as his long Toman jacket hung from his shoulders. His hands rested in the pockets of his cargos while the cool air whipped through his golden locks. The sight was splendiferous. Y/n stood a few feet away from the crowd, as they admired the other side of the blond boy-one contrary to his warm and friendly comportment.

"Where's Y/n-san?" Hanagaki quizzed his partner who stood beside him in the crowd.

"Must be up there near the shrine. New members get introduced from there you know." Chifuyu answered, settling his attention to their vice president's speech. Hanagaki briefly nodded and set his gaze to the front as well.

"Toman has been in conflict with Black Dragon a long time, but we agreed to a truce. However, it was broken due to strife between brothers, Second division vice captain Shiba Hakkai and Black Dragon leader Shiba Taiju. Then, due to independent actions taken by the two leaders of First division, Second division captain, Mitsuya and eventually, Miley and I, fought and defeated Shiba Taiju and all of Black Dragon. Some members would like to address everyone about this incident." Draken paused before announcing the names of those members,

"First, Shiba Hakkai! Step forward!" The latter walked up the stairs, stood next to Draken and with a firm tone, he began,

"This all began...with my selfish lie. To maintain that lie, I dragged my family, Toman, into this. Things got out of hand and turned into war between Toman and Black Dragon. I'm to blame for that. Everyone...I apologise!" Hakkai bowed, causing a chit chat amongst the crowd.

"What's this about?"

"I don't really get it."

"What was the lie?"

Toman was in utter confusion, but a certain person stepped forward to end it.

"Don't worry, Hakkai. Whatever causes a conflict, it doesn't matter once it's all over." Muto, the fifth division captain spoke with a comforting expression.

"Besides, we defeated Black Dragon. Things turned out fine. Isn't that right, everyone?" Smiley chimed in, flashing his whites like always. The crowd replied affirmatively to him, cheering Hakkai up. With no delay-Hakkai's number one supporter and the Captain of the second division-Mitsuya stepped forward. "Hakkai, you will continue to be the vice captain of the second division." His voice echoed, "Y'all cool with that, right?"

"Yeah!!" The crowd cheered, "Hakkai" "Hakkai!" "Hakkai!"

Smiles crept up on everyone's faces-Hakkai, Hanagaki, Chifuyu, Draken, and Mikey. The crowd roared in jubilation of their victory against their old rival Black Dragon.

"That fight with Black dragon was worth it, just to save Hakkai, wasn't it, Takemitchy?" The green eyed boy asked with a soft but proud smile. He was grateful that Toman reacted positively to this news and that, Hakkai was going to continue with the gang. Although, he had foreseen it, he still held some hesitation; nonetheless, his vision came to be true.

"Next, L/N Y/N, step forward!" Vice president's voice roared, catching the attention of the cheering crowd.

"My turn now." Muttered Y/n as they walked forward and stood next to the blond President. From their peripheral view, they caught a glimpse of slight smile directed towards them from him. They gave a lopsided grin in response while keeping their face straight to the front, and without a delay, they began.

"I'm L/n Y/n, popular as 'The informant' among gangs. To avoid any confusions, I've put an end to my informant job, exclusively to join Toman." They announced, receiving a tons of questions from the latter.

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