Chapter 24-Battle of Roscof

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August 11, Year 3

So they surrendered, just like that? I asked Odin.

We were standing on the field in front of the City of Roscof, surrounded by numerous Kylian Infantry men.

We had just received a message from the enemy lord, stating his wish to surrender without a fight.

Odin and Yuter just looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to give orders on how to proceed.

Sighing to myself, I took a deep breath and addressed my men.

Men, today we have received a message from the enemy city.

They wish to surrender without a fight.

This is somewhat unexpected, but it now presents us with an opportunity to capture Roscof without any more bloodshed.

My men exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to this news.

The Coalition had been our biggest threat, and now they were willing to surrender without even putting up a fight.

If they want mercy, fine, I'll give them mercy.

The City of Roscof will hand over all their weapons and resources to the Blue Army.

The City of Roscof will be responsible for giving water and shelter to the Blue Army, however they can keep their meager supplies of food.

The City of Roscof will be placed under martial law by the Blue Army.

Lord Boryslav will lose his title as lord, however he will not be barred from running for office.

A new city government will be elected by the new citizens of Kylian Roscof immediately before the Blue Army departs.

Odin, I continued, please send out a squad leader to give out these conditions for surrender right now.

Yuter, just in case the Coalition set a trap for us, I want you to keep our men on the lookout for anything suspicious.

"Yes your majesty," they both say quickly as they motioned to each of their subordinates to pass the message down the chain of command.

For right now, we wait.

The walls of the City of Roscof stood tall and imposing, a physical representation of the power and strength of the state.

Inside those walls, the atmosphere was tense and filled with uncertainty.

The citizens of the City were divided, with some supporting their leader, Lord Boryslav, while others rallied behind General Aric.

The enemy, the Kylians, had been advancing on the coalition for weeks now, and it seemed like there was no stopping them.

But General Aric refused to give up. He was a skilled warrior and a fierce leader, and he would not let his people fall into the hands of the enemy.

But there was one person who stood in his way - Lord Boryslav.

The two men had been at odds for days, with Boryslav trying to convince Aric to surrender and Aric standing firm in his decision to fight to the death.

The tension between them was palpable, and the rest of the army could feel it.

Most of them knew better than to get involved in the affairs of their leaders, however not all were this loyal.

General Aric had gathered a group of like-minded soldiers and they were now inside the capital's walls, plotting their next move.

They knew they could not openly defy their leader, but they were determined to change his mind.

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