𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖: 𝐎𝐡 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭

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As I gradually regained consciousness, I felt a throbbing sensation in my head, and it took me a moment to adjust my eyes to the surroundings. However, I soon realized that I was lying in the same bed where I had woken up on my first day in this place. The only difference was that I was greeted by not one, but multiple faces staring at me, but I couldn't be sure how many pairs of eyes were fixated upon me.

As I felt something in the palm of my hand, I instantly recognized it as Chuck's hand. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized that everything was back to normal and I was no longer trapped in that unsettling dream.

Chuck yelled out in disbelief, "Evelyn! You're alive!" Unable to contain his excitement, he rushed towards me and wrapped me in a tight embrace.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I chuckled, but I didn't know they saw the same dream from a different perspective.

"You nearly pass out on us." Responded Simon who apparently was here. I took the time to see who was in the hut with me. Chuck, Simon, Jeff and Clint.

Four pairs of eyes looking at me hoping for something. "What did you see? What happened?"

I was fully aware of what had happened, but I decided to keep it to myself. I was determined not to let the voice's demands get the best of me and subject me to another tormenting session of hell.

The Med-Jack began recounting all the events that had taken place starting since Minho, detailing each moment from Simon bringing me here, including the blood and the sound of my shrieks that echoed through the air.

"So do you have any clues of what might have happened? Did you dream of something?" Asked Clint.

"I-I only saw... black. I heard things, but nothing." I lied. I think it was good enough because they didn't ask more.

"Am I wrong to guess you didn't eat or drink anything since yesterday night, cause that might be the reason you fainted." Questioned Jeff taking a chair next to me and trying to do tests with my vision using his finger.

"You're right."

"And what was the thing with Minho?" He added while I saw his finger fly in front of my eyes.

"I wanted to prove I could be Runner. I want to be a Runner. He can't just tell me no."

The boys locked eyes in a way that transmitted a meaning I couldn't quite understand. Their gazes shifted from me to each other.

"He can, Keeper chose their members." Explained Clint adding himself to the conversation.

"I know that! Everyone says no one wants to be a Runner and when I want to be one suddenly Minho doesn't recruit?" I've had enough. My whole life shouldn't revolve around this boy. I am in control of my own decisions and he can't dictate it.

"We'll talk to Alby," said Simon, either helping my case or just tired of me.

"No, we can't." Whispered Jeff, but loud enough so that I could hear him.

"I won't let you stop me," I exclaimed with a hint of desperation. "If I can't be a Runner, I'll just have to keep running around the glade like I did before," I shouted with frustration and a tinge of madness in my voice.

As the words left my mouth, I could feel the tension in the air. The others in the hut seemed taken aback as they started speaking at the same time.

"Listen, Evelyn, I know you want to be a Runner, you made that clear. But you almost died from running, we can't risk making you one!" Simon spoke with a hint of irritation in his voice.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but wonder if I should tell him about the bracelet. But I hesitated, knowing that it might only make me sound crazier than they already thought I was. The thought of being talked about like I couldn't make my own decisions was driving me insane.

I couldn't shake the feeling that their so-called "reasons" were just a way to restrain me. I couldn't help but wonder what other things they would stop me from doing.

"You said it was because I didn't eat enough. Fine! I'm just gonna eat more!"

"It doesn't work that way!" Whisper-screamed Simon.

Chuck was silent this whole time looking at me concerned. I have a feeling that he might not say anything for a while, and I don't expect him to speak up until we stop yelling at each other.

As I felt my hand shaking, I couldn't help but wonder what was gonna happen. The bracelet seemed to be telling me to do something, but I hesitated. Would it lead me to confront Simon? Or maybe it was warning me to get out of the hut?

Despite my anger, I knew I had to stay calm and think things through. After all, tomorrow was uncertain, and it was up to me to make the right choices even when I had a weapon right to my wrist.

"Am I too weak for you? Is it why you are scared? Or maybe you are scared that I'm gonna make everything change, that I'm gonna find the exit and that I am gonna beat you all?" I said raising an eyebrow and standing up. I rushed to the door and pushed it with all my strength left.

"Wait!" Someone said, but I was already far.

The moment I reached the woods, my instincts told me to flee into the safety of them. But my body seemed to have a mind of its own and without warning, I found myself charging straight into the maze that spread in front of me. Despite the shadows that were beginning to stretch across the sky, I felt no fear. It was late enough so that the Runners were probably on their way back or already done.

Which means no one to stop me.

Without a moment of hesitation, my body intuitively took the turn. It wasn't until I came to a stop that I realized I was lost.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I wasn't sure why I was being controlled again, but I refused to let it defeat me. Instead of giving in to panic, I focused on finding a way out of this situation.

I thought about rewalking from my steps but I didn't even remember where I earlier was. Okay, think Evelyn. What do you know about the maze?

When the door closes there are monsters and walls change.

Nothing too scary. The monsters couldn't be worse than the builders or any boys in the Glade.

As I heard the sound of the door closing, I could feel my heart racing. The wall behind me seemed unstable, and I realized that it was about to come crashing down at any moment.

"Oh shit."



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