𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞

581 14 19

"Come with me!" Chuck let out as he walked with me.

He started to speak, but all I looked at was the things around me. I saw them earlier but didn't really give them attention.

"There's the council hall. It's where the Keepers meet up for decision. Then there's the homestead. It's where the Keepers sleep or us sometimes, but I rather sleep outside but you can sleep with me if you want!" He explained so fast.

I stared at him with wide eyes. Did he mean what I think? He's like twelve years old.

"Wait no! That's not what I meant, I meant that you could sleep next to me, 'cause I'm always sleeping alone.." He looked down quite embarrassed.

I cheerfully agree to sleep NEXT to him, maybe I just made a friend. Maybe I could have stayed with Ben, but he acted so differently with his friends that it made me rethink his priorities. I feel like I always knew all those people, but we never met.

"I'll sleep next to you, Chuck!" I chuckled.

His eyes shone back and his smile did too. He stayed silent for a second, before telling something else.

"Maybe that Next's gonna ask to build a hut for you and we could go together there!"

"Didn't you say it was for 'Keeper'? I'm not that or whatever the hell it is."

"Yeah, but I guess Newt would make you one since you're kind of the keeper of the girl." He smiled exited and kept on walking.

"Why am I the only girl?" I asked, wondering this since I woke up there.

"I don't know, nobody knows, but I'll promise I'm gonna protect you!"

I smiled at his words. I don't think he could really help me, but he was cute trying to do so.

"I can protect you by doing pranks on others! Putting things in Minho's hair gel, putting insects in Zart food or the funniest one dyeing Gally's shirt in Pink!" And the little boy burst out laughing. Those seemed fun to do and I wouldn't mind doing a prank on Minho.

"Who are Zart and Gally?"

Again weird names.

"I should show them to you tonight, at the bonfire!!"

A bonfire? Fire? Campfire?

"Wait I'm not gonna show you, Gally, he doesn't like me, he doesn't like anyone.."

"Why that? You seem nice."

"He doesn't think my pranks are funny and he kept being mad about everything. Like that time when I colour one of his teeth in black while he was sleeping!"

I could understand his annoyance with Chuck. I wouldn't want to have a black tooth, a pink shirt and all the other things he said.

"What about Minho, you talked about him earlier whatʼs the worst thing you did to him?"

Maybe I wanted to laugh about the Asians, but why not? Being ensnared by a kid seemed like something I could easily make fun of him for.

Chuck appeared to be wondering.

"Not me, but definitely when you punch his balls!"

Why was everyone talking about this? He annoyed me and since he hadn't learned from his errors I punched him. No big deal, right?

"Right, I heard of the "job" earlier what are they? Do you work? Do you have money?"

"We don't but yeah you're gonna try them out this week, maybe you're gonna be a Runner with Minho! Never mind, I don't think Minho's gonna let a girl be a Runner and probably not you. But you can still be a Slopper with me!" Chuck smiled brightly.

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞//𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 ➊Where stories live. Discover now