𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡

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Newt led me to a huge place surrounded by tree trunks. Some boys were sitting on those and eating from a plate. Next to the seat, there was a small wooden table with a boy behind it. On it, there was a cauldron and metal plate. Everything looked greedy.

There was also a group forming a line to grab what looked like food. I was about to go sit on the trunks, but Chuck grabbed my arm not letting me go.

"Hey, you need to come here if you want food..." I guess he wanted to say my name but realized he didn't know mine.

"What's your name again?" He asked puzzled as he walked into the line that had already decreased.

"Evelyn.." I whispered, I hoped that for this time it was my real name. Because I didn't want to learn someone else had the same name as me.

The little boy's eyes widened as I spoke, I first thought it was because he liked my name but realized it was just because he saw what was in front of him.

"Wow! For once the food looks good Frypan!" He jumped on his small feet as the "frypan" served him. I guess it was probably a nickname since he looked like a cook.

I take the time to examine the boy. He was a teenager probably around 18 years old. He didn't have much hair and had black skin. Frypan was also a bit chubby, but it made his cook look.

"Hey! Don't say false things in front of the Greenie, besides, my food is always good Chuck!" He made me a huge smile and handed me his hand.

"Name's Siggy but everyone calls me Frypan. I heard you already remember yours?" Nothing could happen without the whole place knowing it.

"Hum yeah, Evelyn." I shook his hand gently.

He handed me a plate that was slightly turning brown which I didn't want to eat from. But it's not like if I had a choice.

"Don't mind the colour, it doesn't change my food taste." He smiled again and he let Newt, Chuck and I go away.

Newt led us the a large tree trunk and Chuck sat on the right seat as fast as we arrived. Newt went to the middle place and I didn't have a choice but to go to the left place. As I sat, I took the time to examine my wrist condition. My right wrist had nothing, so I looked at the other one thinking I forgot where I was injured.

But my left hand did not have any injuries. But I was sure I did hurt myself. I felt it and saw the blood, even Newt saw it. It wasn't normal, but being here was nothing but normal.

I changed my gaze to look at my food as the boys looked at me waiting for an answer.

"What?" I said puzzled by the look in their eyes.

"Minho asked you something," Chuck said looking at the boy standing in front of me.

Since he was standing, he was way taller than me. My head stopped at his hips and it was quite difficult to just look at his face. Through this, I could still observe and describe him.

In front of me stood a tall, quite strong-build, Asian boy. He was waiting for me to speak confidently, not seeming to bother anyone else. His jawline was sharp, face cold. Brown, deep yet dark eyes, and clear skin.

He looked strong. The boy had visible biceps that turned bigger or smaller with each movement he made. He smoothly moved around. Sometimes ran a hand through his styled, black hair.

He looked quite pissed that I was staring at him instead of listening to what he wanted to tell me. Maybe he was still gonna be mad that I punched his balls, but that wasn't that bad right? Maybe that here, it was something you couldn't do.

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞//𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 ➊Where stories live. Discover now