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Rhea's POV

"I'll wait for your forgiveness"

His words echoed in my ears. Ishita was trying to comfort me and Naina was expressing her anger at Rehan.

"I knew that something was wrong with him. That bastard." Naina said while stomping her feet.

"You take rest Rhea our exams are near and we'll get you your favourite cheesecake," Ishita said while hugging me.

"And your favourite almond milk latte," Naina added.

"You go Ishita I'll stay with her we can't leave her alone," Naina said while pressing her temple.

I went inside the room without saying anything to them as I needed my own time to think about it all. I needed a long shower to get Rehan out of my head he broke my heart right when I was going to tell him about my growing feelings towards him but now those feelings are dead just like that man was dead in front of my eyes. Even after 1 week I still can't sleep at night because of the horror I witnessed that day. How does someone get over the fact that their husband is a murderer? Is he like this from the beginning? How could I not see it? What if one day he tries to hurt me too?

I rest my elbows on my knees and slump my head into my hands. My thoughts are spiralling out of control. You need to calm down Rhea. I told myself and lay down on my bed.

Rehan's POV

It has been one hell of a ride since I returned from Mumbai. Without her I am dangerous to everyone it's like someone is choking me I have never been out of control at least not because of a woman Well who am I even kidding she is not just a woman she is my woman, my wife and I just can't live without her. I need her more than I want her.

"Beta eat your food," Mom said from across the dining table.

And I came out of my thoughts and realized that I had been staring at the food.

I cut the tofu with an unnecessary force just then I got a call from Kartik. And without listening to what my mom was saying I went to the left corridor to attend the call. It's been 10 years since I last visited this corridor it has many good as well as heart-wrenching memories.

I was talking to Kartik when I passed my old room, the room looked messy and covered with my paintings. I used to draw them when I was a kid I even aspired to become a painter until my grandfather came to know about it and crushed all my dreams by forcing me to attend boarding school. He even threatened to hurt my father if I didn't listen to him. I still remember the way he dragged me to my father's room through all the hallways and, I even got scratches on my back from that day I stopped talking to him.

"Boss? Are you there?" I heard Kartik's voice on the call.

Yes, Kartik what were you saying?

"Sir the package has arrived." He said and I cut the call. That was an important package which was in transit for a month due to some idiots but now my company has finally received it.

I don't know what got into me, I dialled my secretary's number and told her to bring me all the art appliances, canvas, paints and brushes.

I went to my room and it had never felt so colourless since she left, her fragrance was long gone with all her belongings, she even took her photo frames, books and colourful annoying dream catchers which used to dangle on our balcony.

God I miss her, I miss her so damn much that it hurts my soul. I needed to channel all my anger and sadness into a beautiful painting.

I quickly changed my work clothes and asked my secretary to bring my art appliances to my office.

Rhea's POV

My books were in front of me but still, I had no idea what I was studying. My mind was stuck on the fact that I was adopted and my husband is a murderer and he even threatened my father. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. I couldn't control myself. Is he no good? Was all of that a lie? His Care? His love? His fears? His smile? Everything? Several questions were pounding in my head.

My friends were trying hard to cheer me up but I just couldn't. It was as if I was stuck in a loop where some instances of my life were playing on repeat. I already had 6 glasses of coffee today to concentrate on my studies. The books were lying all over my bed and the cups were on the side table.

Suddenly I saw a black car outside my window and my body started shivering. What if Rehan came back? I just can't. I don't want to see his face. I kept murmuring to myself and then my room's door started opening I jerked off my bed. I have been like this since the day I witnessed the murder and I hated this vulnerable side of myself.

A sense of relief crept over me as Naina came inside the room. I am sure she could see the frightened look on my face.

"Are you okay Rhea? It's just me." Naina said while she sat beside me.

"Yeah, I am fine," I said in a low voice.

"But you don't look fine. Just tell me what's bothering you?" She said while hugging me. I badly needed that hug.

"Much better," I told her while tears were sitting on my eyelids.

We stayed like that for 2 minutes and then Ishita came in with my favourite cheesecake and pesto spaghetti.

I hugged both of them tightly, tears burning my retinas.

I hated that I couldn't concentrate on my studies because of my murderer husband. Was it rude of me to call him a murderer? But he was. He did murder someone. Just stop it Rhea you need to stop overthinking I told myself and ate my favourites.

Rehan's POV

The paintings transformed into windows to the past, each stroke of the brush a portal to a cherished memory. The room was hushed, enveloped in a serene atmosphere as I sat shirtless in my chair, a glass of whiskey clasped loosely in my hand.

My gaze swept over the canvas, pausing at each painting to drink in the details: the curve of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, the way her hair caught the sunlight just so. With each stroke of pigment, I poured my longing and desire to be with her.

My eyes were glued to the paintings that I drew after 10 years. I could almost feel her presence beside me, a ghostly whisper of warmth and affection. The images evoke a bittersweet ache in my chest, I had no idea when I completely and madly fell in love with her. I just couldn't breathe without her, I felt that I had lost everything even though I had everything under my control, I was feeling an ache in my heart and the emptiness left in her absence was driving me insane.

My knuckles turned white as I wrapped my hand tightly around the glass and raised the glass to my lips, the amber liquid warmed my throat and the cigar I was smoking had never tasted so bitter.

I needed her back, in my home, in my room and in my arms and now I was willing to do anything to get her back but just the thought of hurting her more was holding me back from visiting Mumbai even if it was just to get a glimpse of her. I was dying inside and no one knew it. I was miserable without her.

Mrs Rhea Rehan Singh Raghuvanshi what have you done to me? I told myself and looked at my wallpaper of her.

heyy guys, I am so excited for the upcoming chapters because our man is going to grovel and he has finally admitted that he is in love with her. I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to like and comment.

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