26. The DEVIL

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Rehan's POV

Rhea royally ignored me and sat in the car. She was really hurt and it was evident on her face but if she thinks that I am letting her go so easily then she has got another thing coming. I will do everything in my power to make her come back with me.

My eyes were glued to her face and in response she flipped her hair, a chuckle left my chest and I bit my lips. There is nothing about her that doesn't amuse me and makes my cock tight and that's the more reason why I have to bring her back to me. I am sure my life would be miserable without her. I am so used to her now that I can't even think about starting my day without a glimpse of her.

I called Karan to get every single detail of her whereabouts and the place where she'll be staying. I am sure she will stay with Ishita but still, I need to make sure everything cause I'll have to send my men for her protection to which I am sure she'll protest so they'll have to be in proper disguise.

I dialled Karen's number.
Karan clear all my schedule I am going to Mumbai and get my charter ready in 30 minutes.

Si. Sir, he was hesitant and clearly he wanted to say something that was going to make me furious.

Speak up, Karan. I ordered him.

"Sir you can't go. Brandon is creating problems yet again." He stated and my blood boiled not because of that fucking Brandon for creating problems but for not being able to go to Mumbai and be with Rhea.

Fine, get my charter ready for New York. I am going to fucking kill this man. I hated that I wouldn't be able to see Rhea for I don't know how many fucking days.

I got on the plane and while I was checking the files and karan was giving a brief on Brandon my mind was filled with Rhea. It's not even a day since she left and I already miss her. I miss her so Damn much that it hurts my soul.

I yanked out of my thoughts when the flight attendant placed the lunch on the table. I know that I'll make her come back with me but this distance from her and not being able to see her, touch her and talk to her was killing me.

I cut the steak with an unnecessary force while Karan was providing me with a brief on how Brandon tried to replace the original stuff with a fake one.

Shut the fuck up, Karan. My mind was already messing with me. I should have been with Rhea right now but instead Here I was planning on how to torture and kill Brandon. It was making me insane and the urge to just leave it all there and turn the plane to Mumbai was getting stronger.

I am sorry boss. I'll take your leave. Karan said and shifted to another seat while I ordered the flight attendant to get me something stronger and not the fucking wine.

Rhea's POV

The air inside the car felt suffocating, matching the heavyweight that now bore down on my chest. My mind was a jumbled mess of shock, confusion, and pain, and it continuously replayed the horrifying scene I had just witnessed.He is a devil. I was right all along.

The sight of blood pooling beneath the man was frightening and I couldn't believe my own eyes or maybe I didn't wanna believe that my husband had just taken a life.

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision, as my brain grappled with the reality of what I had just seen. All the hopes of a happy life together - now felt tainted and distorted. How could I be so stupid that despite being forced by him I still started falling for him? How could you Rhea?

The car around me seemed to close in, becoming a prison, trapping me with the painful realisation. And I could no longer hold back the flood of emotions that raged inside my heart.

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