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we were on our flight to Italy, it looked so regal every corner screaming Rehan Singh raghuvanshi.
So you own this plane??
Yes, sweetheart we own this plane.
There is no we in this marriage Mr. Raghuvanshi
I don't know why but sitting so close to him was making me nervous.
why don't you call me by my name? I was dying to hear her call my name.

It's not your lucky day Mr. Raghuvanshi

oh god why am I feeling so many butterflies in my stomach please stop looking at me like that Rehan,

it is Mrs raghuvanshi See you agreed to come with me to Italy and you also stopped me from eating those garlic bites.

Don't push your luck Mr raghuvanshi.
I am ready to wait.
I am only calling you by your name when there is a cold day in Hell.
I'll make it possible.
Ugh don't bother and please let me read my favorite novel in peace now.

Why is she so stubborn? And God those damn eyes they are capable of making me insane.

While she was reading her novel I tried focusing on my laptop but failed I was distracted by her sweet, fresh flower-like fragrance and she had no idea how much I just wanted to take her under my arms and never let her go.

Sir, mam your lunch is ready should I serve it? A flight attendant asked
Rhea - yeah sure I am damn hungry.

I was working on my laptop when I saw that Rhea has fallen asleep, her wavy hair reaching her back, curled up like a baby, her eyes closed, so content I pushed the strands of hair behind her ear that were blocking my view of her pretty face, I just wanted to keep looking at her I knew I was not the Prince charming of her dreams but I still wanted to be a part of her I brushed my thumb on her bottom lip and carried her bridal style to the room and tucked her inside the blanket.

Rhea - I heard a knock on the door I got up from the bed and I had no idea where I was I opened the door.
Mam, we reached Italy 2 hours ago but you were sleeping so sir didn't want to disturb you the flight attendant said to me. Then I realized that I must have dozed off after lunch and Rehan must have carried me here.
The thought of being in his arms turned my cheeks red and I felt the warmth in my whole body stop it Rhea think straight I told myself.

I took my bag, changed my clothes and went outside.

I took my bag, changed my clothes and went outside

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Rhea's outfit

Rehan 's POV

I was on my phone when I saw her my cock tightened on seeing the beautiful sight in front of me her wavy hair, beautiful smile, steady legs. I bit my lips, couldn't help but wonder how would my cock look inside her pretty mouth.
I cursed myself for imagining all these things and went towards her.
You are looking beautiful.

thank you Mr. Raghuvanshi. By the way Where are we going? She asked excitedly.
You'll see, come on let's go

As we stepped down from the plane, the chauffeur opened the door of gleaming black metal Lamborghini.

After some time we reached a bungalow which I thought may be a hotel but to my shock it wasn't because the Initals RSR were carved on the door, the guards opened the door and our car went inside, that house was not as big as the palace in Udaipur but it was still huge painted in white color, Rehan opened the car's door and I stepped inside the house, it was a beauty, the glass walls through which a beautiful garden was clearly visible with a swing in it and at the other corner of the house a lake was visible through the glass walls I swirl around the house like a 5 year old, that house gave me different kind of joy, it was so peaceful

Rehan 's POV

She loved the house it was quite evident on her face the way she was looking at every corner I followed her, a laugh rumbling from my chest as she visited each and every corner of all rooms with jumping and smiling, I have never seen her this happy, I wish I could just freeze this moment and we could live here forever. I murmured beautiful to which she royally ignored, but I didn't care all I wanted was to keep looking at her, her real smile, not a one which she shows to the whole world.

Sir Mam breakfast is ready Lucy the housemaid who has been working here for 10 years now said to us.
could you please tell me your name? Rhea said in a most down to earth tone.
It's Lucy
Ohh heyy Lucy what's for the breakfast??
Lucy - Mam all your favourites.
She rushed to the dining table and started eating.
She was looking so cute, the glow on her face when she Saw her favourite food.
Thank you for all this Mr raghuvanshi but you didn't have to do this Rhea said in a firm tone.
But I wanted to sweetheart and you know know one can stop me from doing what I want.
By the way I am going for a meeting. I'll be back in few hours. So stay here and don't go anywhere without bodyguards.

I don't want bodyguards I can take care of myself and besides No one will recognize me here.

It's not my request Rhea it's my order.

Asshole, rhea murmured

You know na I can hear you.

Rhea's eyes glowed with mischief. "Ohh that's good I thought I wasn't loud enough."

A smirk formed on my face and after giving some instructions to kartik I went for the meeting.

Rhea 's POV

I didn't know what to do I was getting bored, I wanted to go out on a shopping spree or may be to a club but not with all those grumpy bodyguards. So then I decided that I would Sneek out from the back door without getting noticed by anyone. I wore a mini backless red dress.

Rhea's outfit

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Rhea's outfit

Rehan 's POV

I was in a meeting when I got kartik' s call
Kartik - sir mam is missing
What do you mean by she is missing? My heart ached listening to his words. I felt a lump in my throat my heart was beating so fast as if I would die of a fucking heart attack, I took out my gun to kill that bastard who tried to take my wife away from me. I was fuming with anger, my knuckles turned all white.
Kartik I am going and I want her live location immediately.

Kartik - sir she is in a club
I sped off my car I had no idea what I was doing all I wanted was to make sure that she is fine.

Heyy lovelies I hope you all are doing well so here is chapter 10 I hope you guys like it and don't forget to vote!!

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