Chapter 49 | Dark desires

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Gentle sounds of birds happly chirping outside, slowly stirs me from my sleep. My body urges out a moan as soft silk sheets embrace me in warm hug. I stretch, pushing my hands above my head, letting out a relieved breath. That was the sleep. I don't think I've ever waken up so refreshed.

I remember having only one single nightmare this night. It was pretty awful, I was laying under the bed in my old house, hiding from my uncle and he started circling the bed, threatening that he knows where I am. He played with a belt in his hands. But thankfully just as he was about to kneel down and expose me, the dream ended.
I could almost swear that I heard a distant voice telling me everything is going to be alright as well. Pretty odd.

Slowly I blink open my weary eyes, squinting upon noticing a single golden sun ray dancing through the dimmed dark room.

Wait. That's not my room. Oh!

Snapping my head to the side with breath stuck in my throat, but calm down as soon as I see that the place on the bed beside me is empty. Good. We did not embarrass ourself again. I push my legs to my chest, leaning my back against the headboard, curiously glancing around the room. The room is still pretty dimmed furthermore the walk-in closet's and bathroom's slide doors appear closed so I have no idea if he's here or not.

I jawn, stretching again which results in slight panting. When I finally become awake enough I decide to test the waters. "Uhm Dimitri?"

No answer. He's probably not here.


Nope. I think I'm alone.

Slowly I pull the covers off me and scoot to the edge of a bed. The bed is pretty high, which I love, my legs are hanging over the edge not touching the ground. I easily hop down on my feet and follow the path of golden sun ray, soon reaching the closed black curtains and pull them aside, letting the light illuminate the room.

I squint my eyes from the bright light, underestimating the brightness outside. But when I manage to look my mouth drop open at the sight of a huge stone terrace behind the glass slide doors. Bewitched by the view, I push open the glass doors, not bothering myself with my outfit which consist of my panties and his t-shirt, finally stepping outside.

Cold and fresh spring breeze surrounds my body, invading my lungs and I sigh in content. Feeling cold stone beneath my bare feet I don't mind because the view is definitely worth being cold for a while. Sun rays play on my face as I lean my arms on the stone fence and stare at the enormous garden beneath.

I will go play in the garden someday

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I will go play in the garden someday.

As I absorb enough vitamin D I turn back around, noticing large upholsteted bench by the stone wall behind me with a small stone coffee table. It looks super cozy and I'd definitely want to spend the whole summer out here.

Deciding I should rather head back inside and see if Dimitri left me any note or anything I walk back inside the bedroom, my bare feet being extremely grateful by reduced cold. I close the terrace doors behind me, but leave the curtains opened so the sun can illuminate the room.

Darkness Is The Only Light: Mafia Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now