Chapter 13 | It shouldn't be this way

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This chapter and the next should actually be one, a really long one. But I decided to divide them for there is no way that I could finish it till the end of this week like I promised.

Enjoy :*



That's honestly all that goes through my mind right now.


My palms are sweating, my fingers turned cold. My whole body is starting to shiver.

"My office, one hour" his cruel voice echoes through my head as I'm standing in the elevator. I've already pressed the button to top floor, now I can only wait and try not to lose my mind.

I fucked up, again. If you ask me, defending Ana from him was more stupid than brave. After all I'm not brave. Never was.

But she is my best friend, what was I supposed to do? And I know that she'd do the same for me, she did the same for me. Previously, that day when I hit him, it was her who made him change his mind from strangling me.
Besides, let's not forget that she saved me from Steven. I got so lucky that day, my bones shake at the slighest memory of that evening.

Then the elevator dings and it's doors open at the top floor. I take a deep breath, slowly stepping out. In a second I reach a big reception desk, behind it sit two security guards, further behind are another doors with restricted entry sign on them. Which makes me realize that this is probably a control room with all the monitors and connections to cammeras.

One of the security guards stands up, his eyes scanning me. "What's your purpose here?" He asks.

"Oh" I mumble "I-I've been summoned to boss Nikolayev's office." I explain.

After a moment or so he nods. "Alright. Double doors at the end of the corridor. And knock." He commands.

I nod, turning towards the corridor, my legs carrying me forward.
I walk pass many doors, my eyes finally taking in the big black ones at the end of the hall. Shit.
The corridor is long, but it seems way too short to me right now. On the other hand, I only got a few minutes or so left, before my time will run out. After all, he did say exactly one hour, and I'd be an even bigger fool, if I hadn't taken it seriously.

Next moment one of the doors on the left side open and a female with long blond hair walks through them, the sound of her high heels echoing through the hallway.

I don't mind her, focusing on that last doors again, gathering my courage.

Then I see her figure stopping a few steps before me, blocking my way. "You." I hear her hiss. And in that moment I recognize the voice. Tiyana.

I decide not to bother with her right now, for I really have to hurry.
"Excuse me." I say, sliding past her.

Then I feel a grasp on my arm, pulling me back. "Maid I'm talking to you." She hisses.

What the fuck?

I grab her wrist, tearing her hand off of mine. "And I don't have time." I snap back, looking at her hazel eyes as her figure clearly towers over me in her high heels.

"Oh, really?" She laughs. "And where the fuck do you think you're going?"

I sigh. "If you have to know, boss summoned me. So I'm going right through that doors over there." I say, showing on the double doors at the end of the hallway.

In the very moment that those words leave my mouth, her face becomes furious. Next thing I know I'm strongly pushed against the wall. "Listen to me you little bitch" she growls into my face, minding her tone not to be too loud "he's mine." Wow.

Darkness Is The Only Light: Mafia Romance (18+)Where stories live. Discover now