Chapter 44 | Dancing in the sun

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"Here's the little whore" Jane's voice sneers when I step into the bar area, making all the three maids' eyes go round in surprise. Her angry eyes meet mine as I halt in my tracks, confussion pressed on my face. What is her problem today?

I knit my eyebrows as she folds her hands over her chest and stares at me with a look that could kill.

"Excuse-" I try, but am immediately cut off.

"Was it nice to be seated on boss's lap like a desperate whore you are, making me do all your work while you're making such a desperate move?" She scoffs and I almost choked after hearing those words. "You think you're special now? Let me break it to you honey that you mean to him just as much as a shit beneath his shoe. You're nothing, you understand me? Your used cunt will soon get what it deserves, he will see past the act of innocence and all that shit, seeing you as nothing more than a disgusting whore you are"


I am too stunned to respond for a moment, my heart racing in my chest from the direct attack on me, giving the opportunity for another maid to get involved. "Isn't she a virgin?" She rises her eyebrow, adressing Jane as if I'm not standing right here. "Isn't that why she's been brought here in the first place?"

Jane scoffs "may be a virgin, but nonetheless she is a whore" she snaps while keeping eye contact with me "first she wanted to be fucked by Andrei and Mark at the same time, cunt as she is she played the situation, deceiving sir Nikolayev claiming that she is the victim, but the second he left in United States she started hopping around his cousin like a desparate slut"

Those last words of accussation hit me even harder. I bring myself to ignore the rest, but why would she mention Vasily? Does she know?

My palms turn sweaty and my heart starts bumping so loudly I could hear it in my ears "y-you don't know what you're talking about" I mutter, deciding not to lose my head. She doesn't know anything. She can't know.

She huffs mockingly "I don't know what I'm talking about?" She points to herself, so dramatic. "So you're not a dirty, worthless, attention seeking whore, hm? My bad, honey." Then she strides closer to me, stoping right in front of my face, looking at me like I disgust her. "Don't try to deny you wouldn't do anything for attention, you disgust me. But what I really fail to understand is why would anyone be interested in you? Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror? Bitch you're hideous. First you come here all starved and disgusting and now you turn yourself into a fat pig, eww"

A-a pig?

I try to protest, but my mind refuses to listen and one of the memories erupts.

"But uncle we need food" I plead, but his grey eyes remain the same shade of cold.

"Food? Have you looked at yourself lately Carmilla? Nobody is going to want you like this. You don't need food"

It was one of those times that he talked to me calmly instead of shouting, but usually the calm words were the most poisonous ones.

He turns around to leave, but the pain in my stomach wouldn't let me give up. "B-but I'm hungry, please"

Hearing a deep sigh as he turns around and walks to me, pressing my back against the fridge. His cold, rough hands come to cup my cheeks "it will pass, I'm doing this because I love you, okay? You can't transform yourself into a fat pig, I won't let it. I'll eat outside" he brushes me off, walking towards the doors.

I hear other maids bursting in laughter, which brings me back to reality. Stray tear escapes down my cheek, reliving that memory was too real. I quickly wipe it off as Jane burst into mocking laughter as well.

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