December 2nd, 2023 - Saturday

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Today was the worst day I've ever had during this fast. My father bought sweet things, and I felt tempted to eat them all. There's chocolate, yogurt, cookies, a chocolate bar, and a juice that I like. I don't blame my father since I'm the only one fasting, not them, but everything here at home is very tempting.

I also think the popcorn I had yesterday contributed to this craving for sweets because it wasn't much, and I feel like my body is asking for more and more sugar.

I thought about ending the fast already because it's been three months today. And that I could take one more 'day off' since the week of my father's aniversary. However, after much struggle, I decided to sacrifice this to God. There's not much time left. 20 days. I keep going.

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