Setember 1st, 2023 - Friday

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Today, I did something I hadn't done in about six years. I'm not sure about the date, but it's been less than that. I undertook a fast.

I dedicated 4 hours and 30 minutes of my day to the Lord in the morning with no water and food. One hour for reading the Word of the Lord, one hour for prayer, another hour for listening to messages on the internet, one hour for praising God through songs, and half an hour for reading George's book and writing this diary.

In my reading, I started I Samuel. Hannah's prayer caught my attention. I am almost in the same situation as hers.

During prayer, I added more things to my requests. Previously, I was only praying for that blessing regarding rent. Now, I added a request for God to fulfill a promise He made to my parents a long time ago, specifically around 2003. To this day, this promise has not been fulfilled. My parents are around 52 years old now. Perhaps later on, I will share more about this promise. I also added a promise that God made to me and some of my dreams. I also thanked Him for everything, even for this struggle we are going through.

During the sermon, I watched two preachings. The first one was about fasting. It showed me that I was wrong about not fasting. I used to think that fasting was not a thing in the New Testament, but the preacher proved from the Word that it's not the case. The other sermon was about inevitable storms, based on the text where Jesus slept in the boat and then calmed the storm. The interesting part here is that the preacher showed the 4 Ps in which we can trust Jesus.

1 - The Promise that Jesus made to reach the other side of the lake;

2 - The Presence of Jesus in the boat;

3 - The Peace He had to the point of sleeping there; and

4 - His Power over everything.

During the worship, I highlight a song that speaks a lot to me, "When the Tears Fall - Tim Hughes."None of the prayers I made have been answered so far since I started this purpose. A few days ago, I found out that the owner of the house confronted my father about payment. I continue...

A prayer diary of someone going through a prayer crisisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें