Setember 24th, 2023 - Sunday

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At some point this week that I can't remember, I saw a video on platform X (Twitter), and today, I remembered this video in my prayer.

It's one of those videos that ruin your day. It was a video of a gymnastics event for child athletes in Ireland. It's an old video that resurfaced because the gymnast Simone Biles reposted it on her X. There was a line of girls, and they were all receiving a medal. Among them was a black girl, and the person handing out the medals skipped the black girl and didn't give her a medal, continuing to give medals to the other girls so that only the black girl was left without one.

God forgive me, but there are moments when I feel like that girl in relation to prayer. This month, several acquaintances of mine have had victories in their lives. And this is recurring.

I need to be honest here, dear reader, I'm not envying anyone, God knows that, and I'm very happy when an acquaintance of mine gets married, buys a car, rises professionally, travels, etc. However, today I questioned God. Why does this only happen to others? Why aren't my prayers answered while others' are?

It's difficult for me. Today, I also reflected on the time I've been doing this challenge. Not a single prayer has been answered. None. I will continue to do it, but only because I made a commitment; otherwise, I would have given up already.

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