November 19th, 2023 - Sunday

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Today, I realized that despite finishing my reading project and continuing with the book of Psalms, I'm not dedicating enough time to God, particularly in prayer. I'm reading the Word and fasting, but prayer is lacking.

However, I have already presented this before God. When I talk to Him, I always say the same things. It's tedious to keep repeating the same things. It seems like I'm practicing vain repetitions.

This week, I took a break from fasting as I mentioned I would for my father's birthday. During one day, I could eat sugar again, and surprisingly, it didn't seem as enjoyable as it used to. It's the first time I've gone without sugar for so long, and now it doesn't seem as tasty. On this day, I indulged in eating sugar again. I chose to abstain from coffee as a sacrifice to God. Never before have I gone so long without coffee.

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