August 15th, 2023 - Tuesday

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In the early hours of yesterday, I began reading a book about answered prayers written by a 19th-century man named George Muller. The book is called 'Answers to Prayer.' It narrates various prayers of his that were answered.

Today, I no longer believe in the power of prayer. It's the truth. I have reasons for it, and I hope to share them throughout this book. However, today I felt the desire to challenge myself. To test what George Muller wrote to see if it works for me. So I'll do it.

If it works and my prayers are answered, not only will I believe in prayer again, but I will also share this with everyone and even make this diary available for free to those who are also in crisis believing that their prayers don't reach God or that God doesn't answer prayers, etc.

However, if this doesn't work, I also want the four corners of the earth to know that prayer doesn't work and that it's futile to pray. Only a few are heard, and I don't even know if it's truly because of prayer (Example: Someone prays to pass an exam and studies hard for it. If they pass, was it really because of the prayer?).

So, I decided to document this here. I am committing to following everything George Muller says in his book to see if my prayers will be answered as he were.

Currently, I urgently need two things. The main one is to get out of a very serious financial situation, both for myself and my family. So, for now, these are the things I will present before God.

A prayer diary of someone going through a prayer crisisWhere stories live. Discover now