August 18th, 2023 - Friday

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Today, I read something interesting in the book of George. He talks about not wanting people to believe that he has a special gift for prayer, that God has given him a higher faith, or that he is, somehow, special for having his prayers answered.

Interestingly that is exactly what I started to think about him while reading his account. I had also thought the same about some people who constantly talk about the blessings they received from God, while I have nothing to share for years. It seemed to me that some people were closer to God. Some people had their prayers answered more easily, while others took longer or were not answered at all.

He says:

"Especially I affectionately warn them against being led away by the device of Satan, to think that these things are peculiar to me, and cannot be enjoyed by all the children of God.""I thought it needful to make these remarks, lest anyone should think that my depending upon God was a particular gift given to me, which other saints have no right to look for."

And: "do not think me an extraordinary believer, having privileges above other of God's dear children, which they cannot have; nor look on my way of acting as something that would not do for other believers."

I have not received that blessing yet and continue to pray.

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