November 07th, 2023 - Tuesday

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Today, my mother received the results of a test she took: an endoscopy.

She started feeling severe stomach pains, especially after eating something. Pains that quickly subsided. She has had these pains before, more precisely for about two years now, but this time they came more intensely and more frequently as well. She had to do the tests and they weren't cheap.

The doctor said there was a bacteria that could be treated with medication. She also had gastritis. But what bothered him was a lump that appeared on the exam. He suspects something malignant. My mother will undergo new tests in the coming days, and the results will be out in December.

I have already started prayers about this, but I will say in advance that if this is cancer, a malignant tumor, and it takes my mother's life with our family in these current conditions, then I will stop going to church, praying, and reading the Bible. In short, I will cease to be a Christian. Another day I will explain why, but it is something much deeper than you might think.

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