Setember 05th, 2023 - Tuesday

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Yesterday, I started a long fast. I will cut out sugar until the end of this year. There's also a week in November when I'll take a break from it because it's my father's birthday, and I want to participate in the celebration, cake, and so on. Because at the end of the year, my family usually celebrates Christmas, and I want to indulge in the sweets that will be there.

Yesterday and today, I faced a strong temptation to drink soda or eat some sweets that were here. I almost gave up on this fast and thought about starting on another day.

With this fast, I ask God to fulfill the promises He made in this family. I also want to draw closer to God like never before and ask Him to cleanse my sins and hear my prayers. (I know it's not through fasting that Jesus cleanses sins or that God hears prayers, but I feel it's a way to afflict my flesh.)

I would like my whole family to fast for this purpose as well. However, I won't tell them about it. I'll do it like George Muller did when he needed resources for the orphanage and didn't tell anyone. I'll present this cause to God so that my family is also touched with the desire to fast for this purpose.

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