August 30th, 2023 - Wednesday

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Today I was reading the book of Jeremiah, specifically the part about the conspiracy against Gedaliah and how the Jews went to Jeremiah, asking him to pray to God so that He would tell them where to go and what to do (Jeremiah 42:3).

I'll ask the same thing in prayer because I am in a similar situation. I'm in a serious financial situation and don't know what to do with my life. I don't know where to go, or what I should do, and I'm uncertain about my professional life.

Today was the first time I prayed since that harsh blow I mentioned on the 26th. I became quite discouraged, especially because I had a dream that indicated I would receive a financial blessing that week. It was an impressive dream that I thought could only be from God. However, it turned out to be misleading, giving me false hopes. I asked God not to let me have false hopes because, like the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:16, I didn't want to be deceived, to trust in something untrue. Unfortunately, that's what happened. It's a pity. I don't know what to say.

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