Coffee Troubles

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'Finally, it's almost time for my shift to end. We aren't busy today, so I doubt anyone else will-'


'Never mind then, let's see what this person wants.' The barista looks up to see who has walked in. He can't help but wonder if this person is lost; they don't look like the type to go to a coffee shop, and he's never seen them before. "Good afternoon. Can I help you?" 'Hopefully, this will be a simple order.' The other boy looks up and slips the hood off of his head. He looks tired but friendly. "Um, hey. Can I get a um..." He takes his phone out and reads something before continuing, "Mocha Frappuccino?" This boy definitely didn't seem to want to be here. He quickly types something into his iPad before looking back up, "Anything else?" The boy looks at the menu for a moment. He didn't feel like attempting to decide, so he placed his fate in the barista's hands. "Um... Do you have any recommendations for a simple coffee? Hot, preferably, so I don't freeze to death in this weather..." The boy chuckles at his joke. The barista stares at him for a minute while he thinks. He said the first thing that came to mind, "Well, when I want something simple, I make myself a hazelnut coffee." The boy thinks about it momentarily before nodding, "Alright, I'll trust you. Hazelnut coffee it is. That will be it." He nods his head as he adds it to the iPad. 'God, I hope he likes this drink. I hate recommending drinks.'

A few minutes pass as the boy pays for the two drinks and sits while he waits. He watches as the barista walks towards a girl standing nearby. The conversation was somewhat muffled for the boy, but he could tell they were trying to ask for something. They seemed to be told off by the other person. It turned into an argument, ending with the other person walking out. He could tell that the barista was stressed out about something. Maybe he was new at this? He understood that feeling. Making coffee could be pretty stressful, especially when you first start; that's why he stopped working here a few months ago. A few minutes go by as he scrolls through his phone; he isn't in any hurry.

He suddenly hears shouting. He looks up to see that the girl had returned and was now yelling at the young barista again; something about him being slow. He realizes it was someone he used to work with. It was someone he had trained while working there. He laughs a bit and approaches the counter.

"Are you really yelling at a newbie for being slow? Don't tell me you have already forgotten how hard it is to learn all this crap?" They both turn towards him, the girl's face angry, before realizing who was speaking. Her face goes red. "What in the hell are you doing here, Aster? Didn't you quit months ago?" The boy, now known as Aster, chuckles, "You'll never get rid of me. Now, why don't you teach him what he needs to know?" She scoffs, "That's not my job. I don't get paid enough to teach this clumsy idiot how to do what he should've already learned during his week of training. Besides, my shift is over, so I'm leaving." Before Aster can argue with her, she's out the door. He sighs and tries to speak but is interrupted by the barista, "I am so sorry about that; she shouldn't have spoken to you like that. However, she is right. I should know what I am doing by now." He sighs as he lets his head fall. Aster smiles a bit, "It's alright, honestly. I used to work with her, so I know how much of an ass she is. I'm in no rush to get anywhere. My friend will wait around for hours if it means she gets her free coffee." The barista looks up at Aster, relieved he hadn't upset them. Aster looks at the name tag on the barista's apron and reads it before continuing. "Now, Chester, how about I show you how to make this drink?"

They started something that day. Aster would start coming into the little coffee shop at the same time every day, ask for a different drink, and teach Chester how to make it if he still needed to learn how to. It became the highlight of their days.

The End:)


Word Count: 754


I hope you guys enjoyed this little thing! Can you guess who Aster's friend is? Also, I basically sat myself down and forced myself to write something. I can't let my writers block stop me forever heheh.

I decided to start doing a thing where I gerate a random quote containing the names mentioned in the chapters. I thought it would be funny.

Website used:

Welp, bye for now, my Stars! I hope you have a fantastic day, night, or midday! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Chapter Quote:

Chester: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Aster: Aww-
Chester: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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