Can I Trust?

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(Guys I just found a story I never posted. I'm gonna post it now hahah...idk how good it'll be cause I didn't remember how long ago I wrote it. Like, I already wrote my little announcement at the end of it and everything. It says it hasn't been updated since January 23rd. I remember being pround of this one too...anyways, enjoy!)

(P.S. It's my birthday:))

(P.S.S. As you read further and get to the part labeled The Next Day, the part in italics is the stuff she is thinking, while the normal text is her actions;). Kind of reminds me of how it sounds reading a sign in Undertale; If you know you know. Just thought I would clarify.)

Today has been AWFUL
First, my phone charger stopped working in the middle of the night causing my phone be dead when I woke up, which was late since the alarm couldn't go off.
Second, the bus missed my stop again making me walk to school in this freezing ass weather.
Third, I got written up for being late even though the bus missed me (not my fucking fault)
Fourth, if the bus misses my stop one more time, causing me to be late, I was told I will get detention.
Fifth, we had a stupid english paper that I already know I'm gonna fail because of Grammer (not my fault I'm dyslexic-).
And finally, there was a history exam today as well that I forgot to study for, so in other words, I probably failed.

Jeez, today couldn't possibly get any-



"Ouch..." god I am dizzy...I attempt to look around to see what happened, and looked straight into the eyes of another person. I think I might have jumped out of my skin. "I...I am SO sorry, I should have been paying attention to where I was going..."

"Hey, don't say sorry, we both turned the same corner, and if I recall, I was the one on my phone, not you. Sooooo I was in the wrong," she smiles.


Did she just take the blame?


What the fuck?


Who the hell is this person and why are they a actually a decent person?

"Umm, ok, if you say so..." I immediately  try to stand, going back down after standing to fast, getting really dizzy. "Shit..."

"Are you alright?" I look up and see the strange person with a concerned look on her face, "here, let me help," she reaches her hand towards me, offering her hand. I timidly take the offer.  I quickly stand with her help and let go of her hand immediately while taking a step back. I look at her and realize...

She is tall.

Well, taller than me.

As most are.


"Are you alright?, You must've hit your head pretty bad...I'm so sorry, I'm waaaay to clumsy for my own good..."

Why does she keep apologizing, I got it the first time...

"It is really alright, things happen you know?"

She smiles at me.




"I'm glad you are okay, I don't know what I would've done if you weren't..."

She combines a lot of seriously, where is this girl from?

"You would be fine either way I think." The girl looked almost...shocked.

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