New Haircut

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Code, Code POV, & Splatter/Web

I enter the house surrounded by the white nothingness me and my sister call home.
"Sis? Where are you I wanna show you something."
I look around, but don't see her. I walk into the living room, her room, and the kitchen and can't find her. I guess I'll check the bathroom. I walk towards the door.
*Knock knock*
"Sis, you in here?"
Something She didn't sound like her usual self so I decided to pry for more.
"Are you ok? You sound a little off."
"Umm, I'm fine."
I hear water running through the faucet and a bunch of shuffling.
"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?"
"Just washing my hands is all."
I knew something was wrong, I just wasn't sure what. Of course my brain jumped to the worst conclusions.
"You aren't hurt are you?"
"No, I'm fine."
"Come on sis, I know something's the matter, please talk to me, or let me in at least."
The door was unlocked? I assume that means I can come in... I open the door.
"Sis? What did you do?"
"I-I um..."
I notice that there are tears in my sisters eyes. Shit...did I upset her? Or is she upset for some other reason?
"Sis, I'm not mad, alright? I mean, you should've said something or asked for help, but I'm not upset."
"I'm really sorry... I know I should've asked, but I was scared you would say no."
"Why would I say you couldn't cut your hair? That makes no sense silly."
"W-Well, it's not just that...I um..well...It's kinda hard to e-explain."
I'm confused by what she is talking about. She just wanted to cut her hair, I mean it's really short, but what's wrong with that?
"Why don't you just try and tell me what you mean?"
I notice she's shaking, and not just a little bit. She looks terrified. What happened? Did someone find out how to get here? No. That's not possible. Then what? Why is she so scared of talking to me?
"Sis, you're shaking. What's the matter?"
"P-Promise you won't be upset?"
That's an odd request, but nonetheless, if it'll make her feel better, I'll do it.
"I promise."
"Well, I cut my hair because.. umm.... I don't like being a girl. It doesn't feel right. I've tried to tell myself otherwise, but I just can't. I just had the urge to cut it because I didn't like how I looked. I-I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm sorry..."
Wait, what? She doesn't like being a girl? So she's...Oh. I understand now. That explains everything. Why she refused to wear a dress when we decided to dress nice. Why she always plays as the guy part when we make up random skits. And now, cutting her hair. That's why she was shaking in fear when I asked her what happened.
"Come here sis."
I open my arms for a hug. She looks shocked, but happier than ever. She hugs back. I squeeze her tight and hear her cry a bit, but from what I can tell, they are happy tears.
"S-So you're ok with it?"
"Of course I am, I could never be mad about this."
"Thank you so much."
I could feel her lightly sobbing in my shoulder. I rubbed her back and let her cry, but tried to keep her calm. After a couple of minutes she calmed her breathing and moved away from me a bit.
"Are you feeling any better?"
"That's good. But, uh, can you maybe explain what this means? Y'know, like pronouns or your name?"
"O-Oh. Well, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind."
"Well just talk to me like you would a boy I guess, I don't know much about what I want just yet, but I think that makes sense?"
"So use he and him?"
"Oh, y-yea. I guess that makes more sense hahah. And I kinda like the name Web if that's alright?"
"I love the name. Also, would you prefer to be called my brother instead?"
"Thank you and yea, that sounds good actually."
"Alright then, I will change that. It might take a couple times correcting my forgetful mind, but I promise I'll do it if it makes you happy."
"Just you saying that makes me happy."
"I'm glad."
We hug once more squeezing the hell out of each other. I move away.
"Now, why don't we fix your hair?"
"Yes, please"
We both laugh to each other and the day goes on.

Words: 820

Hello again Stars and I hope you enjoyed this story! I'm not sure if I like it, but it is what it is I guess. I might honestly re-write it at some point since it just doesn't make sense at certain points. Also, I know I keep saying I'm gonna make character profiles and not doing it, but I promise it'll get done. I have a lot of characters, so it might take me a while. I might just make the profiles as I add the characters into the stories. Don't forget to correct my stupid grammar when nessecary. Have an amazing day, night, or mid-day! Byeeeeee


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