~Study Time~

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I take a breath in, then out. Stars. I can't wait to be finished. One more paragraph. I hear the creak of a floorboard. Sigh. "What do you want Web?" Silence. I feel something grab my ankles. "WHAT THE HELL-" I hear laughter amid the chaos. "I GOT YOU!" I just about kicked him in the face. THUD. "SHIT-" I fell out of the damn chair. "Omg-Code are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut him off. "I'm literally going to murder you. I was trying to finish my essay you roach." Suddenly, he runs off and I hear the faint noise of his door slamming. I'm not even going to try to get him. "YO! IM GOING TO THE LIBRARY. DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN." I scream before packing my things and putting on my shoes. "Why are going without meeeee? Meanie..." I grab my keys and open the door. "Because I need to focus. Now behave." I shut the door, lock it, and head to the library.

*10 minutes of walking later.*

I walk up the steps to the front of the library and open the door. Jeez, this place is huge. Luckily it isn't packed. I begin heading towards the place I usually sit while working, it's the most peaceful and comfortable place in my opinion and no one ever sits there. Or so I thought. I hear chatter as I approach my spot. I round the corner and just as I thought, there were people there. At least they were working and not just sitting there talking. They look up at me. One has blonde hair with greenish-blue eyes and tan skin while the other one has dark brown hair with purple ends and dark brown eyes, their skin is a light brown color. The brunette speaks, "sorry, are we being too loud?" I have no clue how to respond. What do I say, you're in my spot? Hell no. I mean yea, but no. The blonde responds, "oh, I think I recognize you...maybe from English 104?" I think I stopped breathing for a second. They actually recognize me? How...? "Ummmm. Yea. English 104." They smile a bit. "So, did you need something or...?" The brunette questions. "Don't be rude, I think we might be where they usually sit..." I almost jumped, "oh, uh, um, don't worry about that. It's not like I own the spot, I was just about to sit somewhere else, so, yea, bye-" before I could leave the blonde spoke, "wait! You don't have to go. We don't mind if you stay, besides I'm pretty sure you are working on English correct? Maybe we could help each other out?" I freeze. Oh, stars. I forgot how to speak. "Um...I don't want to be in the way. Besides, you guys were hanging out were you not? I would hate to intrude." The blonde looks worried, while the brunette obviously doesn't know how to talk either. "I really don't mind, and I'm sure Patch agrees! There is definitely room for one more." The brune-Patch jumps at their name. "Huh? Oh right, of course! Sorry for being a statue, I'm just in dire need of some coffee." Well, if they both want me to stay... "Um sure, ok. If you really want me to..." The blonde's face lights up. Patch smiles a bit. "Welcome then to our two-person friend group." The blonde smiles a bit, "Yup! Well...three now, right?" Patch says. I blush a bit, "well, uh, I mean...I just got here, you don't even know me." I see Patch laugh a bit, "well I'm Patch and this is Lucid. There now you know us, so what is your name?" Jesus, are they desperate? Why me? I'm literally the most uninteresting person in this damn building. "It's uh, nice to meet you, my name is Code."

After that, we began meeting in the Library every day, unless someone had work or was busy of course. Over time the three of us got closer and closer. It was nice having friends you know? We had a couple of sleepovers over the phone where we stayed up late and regretted it the next morning. Don't worry. We didn't drink much. I mean we are college kids. We didn't black out or anything, just loosened up a bit. Anyways, over a couple of months, we each began to get jobs and became busier and busier, hardly seeing each other. But the one day we could all count on was Wednesday. It was the one day we were almost always free. Oh! We started this thing where everyone would bring a random snack to the library and we would all try it. Somethings we would like, while somethings, not so much. We would literally pick up something random from the store and bring it, half of the time, no one knew what it was. It was fun though! Two more hours until school is over. I can't wait. I'm not usually this excited, but today is the first day where we are all able to hang out ALL afternoon. Which means that we finally get to have an actual in-person sleepover. We decided to have it at my place since I have the most room. The other two both have dormmates so that's a no. I went to the store last night and got a bunch of snacks and drinks so we wouldn't starve.

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