After School Coffee

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(The photo at the top does not belong to me)

Today is very calm. I woke up, showered, and went to school. My classes were all the same as usual. No tests or quizzes were given today, and the work was fairly simple. Even English was easy today, we just read more of our book for class.


I jump back to reality and realize that the vending machine has dispensed my desired snack. Which was a chocolate chip granola bar. These are the best. I begin walking to the front of the school, granola bar in hand, getting ready to walk to the nearby cafe. I quickly refill my water bottle in case I get hot and start my journey to the cafe.

It wasn't hot outside like I assumed; it was actually pretty cool. I guess the weather is a little bipolar today...oh well, I'm not complaining, it feels nice. I slip my jacket off of my waist and put it on. I take my earbuds out, plug them in, and hit play on my phone. The song "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant begins to play. Good choice, Pandora. Good choice. On my walk, I see a lot of different things, birds, a couple of dorm houses, a boba shop, and a few small shops--

Wait, there's a boba shop here?!? I'm sooo going there tomorrow.

--Anyways, oh, I'm here, alright then. I open the door and look around. A hint of worry flashes on my face for a moment, lightening when I see what I am looking for, or rather, who. I went over to the table and sat down smiling. "Hey! Sorry if I am a bit late. I got distracted looking at a boba shop, heheh..." I look into her brown eyes, her purple hair giving off a faint hue on them. The various splotches scattered around her face, not hidden, showing she was feeling confident today. "Oh, it's alright. I haven't been waiting long at all." She smiles. Her outfit consists of a cute, cropped shirt with a tank top underneath in order to not show too much skin. She also wears a pair of blue jean shorts with fishnet leggings underneath. To finish it off, she had on a pair of black boots, a necklace with a gold star on it, and a pair of glasses resting on her head. "That's good. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting. How has your day been?" Her outfit was so well planned while all I had on was a t-shirt, that you couldn't see because of the oversized hoodie, jeans, tennis shoes, and a matching gold star necklace. I might as well have looked homeless compared to her, but that is usually how it goes. "It's been alright, I've just been irritated from seeing all of these touchy couples if I'm honest."

A few minutes passed, and they ordered their drinks. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I remembered that she had asked me here for a reason; she said that she wanted to talk, but I wasn't sure what it was about. I don't know if she just wanted to talk in general, or if she has something to talk about. "Huh? Oh, right. I forgot that the main reason we met up was because I wanted to talk hahah, oops..." Patch is very forgetful, but that's alright, I try to help her remember as much as I can.

"Anyways, so I did want to talk to you, buuuut, I have somewhere for us to go first. If you don't mind that is." Somewhere for us to go? What the heck does she want to talk about? I mean, I guess it feels nice outside, but still. Oh well, I guess I'll figure it out when we get there. Or..."Sooo where are we going?" I tried to look as sweet as possible hoping she would answer, "I guess you will see once we get there." She smiles at me. Crap. Well, that didn't work. We start walking, drinks in hand. We both got a coffee of some sort. Mine being vanilla and hers being chocolate. Maybe I should try to make conversation? "You know what I have never understood?" She gives me a confused look, "what is it?" I take a sip of my now cooled-down coffee, "how you like chocolate coffee, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't even taste like coffee." She looks a bit shocked, then smiles, "maybe because you add enough sugar to kill." What...I...? "That's rude. I'm sorry I don't like drinking bitter dirt." She looks at me with an amused look on her face, "I don't mean that you should drink it with no sugar, but if you have to put sugar in a coffee from Starbucks then you have problems." I guess she has a point.

"We have arrived," she looks forward smiling. It looks like a garden. It's very pretty, but I still don't understand what we are doing here. "I know it doesn't look like much, but once the sun begins to set, it will be better. There is a bench over here, we can sit." We headed over to the bench and sat down.

"So what did you want to talk about? Or do we need another change of scenery?" I laughed a bit to make sure she knows I was completely joking. "Ahh, yea. Um, so...uh..." She seemed nervous...why is that? Patch is never nervous, she is always super confident in everything she does. So, what's happening right now? "Patch, are you alright? You seem a little nervous, it's unlike you. Not that you aren't allowed to be nervous, it's just, uh, y'know hah." She looks over at me with a smile. "Yea, sorry about that. I just, it's kind of a big deal, so I'm a bit nervous." Big deal? Patch is worried? Now I'm nervous.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Listen." She takes a breath and lets it back out, "Ok, so, we've known each other for a while, and I feel as if we trust each other, right?" Trust. Trust is a big deal for me. Do I trust her? Yea, I do. "Yea, I trust you." I never thought I would be able to say that to someone, I feel...different. Other people would have to do a lot to earn my trust, but she is different. She understands me and understands why trust is important.

"That's good, I was honestly worried. Nevertheless, I was wondering if you might like to go on a date sometime?" I-a date!?! Ummmmmmmmm, God what do I say? Well first off, how do I know for a fact that I feel the same way? I...I don't know. I've never dated a girl before..."L-Listen, I know this is pretty sudden, and I understand if you need time to think about it. I just, I really care for you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Even if you want to do that as friends, it's fine, I just, I had to try. I haven't felt this way in a very long time, and I didn't want you to slip away without trying first."

She...she really cares about me. I care for her too, I'm just...scared I guess. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time, and I don't know how they are supposed to work, I didn't exactly have the best relationship before this. I notice the sun going down. This place is really pretty, it almost feels like...wait a moment. I know exactly what to say.

"W-Well, if you came here looking for a date, it seems you already got what you wished for." Patch looks over at me worried and confused. "What do you mean?" Well that didn't work...I look toward her as well. "If you think about it, it kinda looks like we are on a date right now, don't you think?" She looks toward the flowers, then at the sunset. "O-Oh, well I promise that this was not my intention. I just wanted to go somewhere quiet and away from all of the Valentines Day stuff. Plus, this place is calming to me, and I kinda needed that hahah..." I nod. "I know, I'm just saying, I'm fine with calling it a date if you get me?" She looks at me, almost shocked, then smiles. "Are you serious? Oh my God, I didn't think...especially way..." I laugh a bit. "You are rambling again, but I'm glad you are happy." She looks away, a bit embarrassed, "of course I am happy, this is everything I could have hoped for. Can I, uh, hug you?" She looks back at me. "Of course you can." She hugs me and I hug her back, happier than ever.


Word Count: 1484

Soooo...was this any good? I have no clue where I was originally planning on going with this. I'm pretty sure it was just supposed to be a coffee date, but then I extended it by a lot. Plus, this was supposed to be MUCH shorter, but I guess I doesn't hurt to write a bit more of a story. I have literally no clue what to do for my story tomorrow. Like, I have ideas, I just, cannot for the life of me figure out how to write them...oh well. I'll figure it out. Make sure to correct any mistakes! Grammarly is not exactly perfect. Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing day, night, or mid-day! Bye for now Stars!


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