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*Navy's POV*

This movie is so fricken boring. Web has no taste in movies. Never again will he pick a movie.

*Web's POV*

This movie is pretty cool. I'm not usually into superhero movies, but this is one of my favorites. I wonder what Navy thinks of it. I'll ask. I turn to look at Navy and realize that he looks a little out of it. I whisper to him, "Navy, are you alright? You seem a little off." He jumps a bit and turns to me, "what are you talking about? I'm fine, Web." I believe that he is ok, but something is still going on. I wonder...will he let me hold his hand? I know, I know. This is kinda random, but it's an intrusive thought. Besides, no one will see us anyways, we are alone, so he shouldn't freak out too much. I begin to reach for his hand, but he moves it quickly, giving me a side-eye in the process. I'm offended. I will hold his hand if it is the last thing I do. I lean toward him, "what was that for?" He looks at me, almost irritated, "someone could walk in, idiot." I gave him a confused, yet daring look. "We have a blanket over us, no one will know." Navy looks as if he might kill me, "will you shut up, I'm trying to watch this." I raise an eyebrow, "that's a lie, you obviously hate this movie." He sighs, "well, you like it, so I'm trying to watch it and see why." I grab the remote and change the movie to something I know Navy likes. "You didn't need to do that." I smile, "I know, I just felt like it." I wonder if I can grab his hand now that he is distracted. I slowly reach over and grab his hand, but he doesn't move. Confused I look over to him and see that his face is slightly red. A smile creeps onto my mischievous face. I turn back to what is now a crime show, and watch. Mission Accomplished!


Word Count: 351

I have no clue what I was originally planning to put in this story, but oh well lol. Sorry that this is so short, I just wanted to get something out there for you! I hope everyone has been doing well! I have been really tired lately and I have no clue why, so it's been kinda hard to write. If anyone has any ideas for stuff to write, lemme know! Well, have a great day, night, or mid-day! Goodbye, Stars!


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