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A couple of friends sit on a couch in an apartment partially owned by one of them. Suddenly, the other owner walks through the door. He seems slightly upset, and heads for his room before the other two can say anything. One friend, a girl, looks towards the other friend, a guy, confused, "What was that all about? I thought he was having a good day today..." The guy frowns slightly, "I'm not sure. I thought he was as well. I'll give him a few minutes to himself before checking on him." The girl smiles softly, "That's a good idea. He always cheers up when you talk to him, Aster."

He chuckles, "Don't act like you aren't helpful. Who would cook if you weren't here?" She rolls her eyes and smirks, "Of course, let the lady cook." He laughs loudly, "Of course! Who else, if not the woman?" He chuckles at her shocked expression before speaking again, "I'm kidding, you know that, Patch. I would cook if I could, and Chester would cook if he wasn't so damn clumsy." She playfully punches his arm, "I know, don't worry, I won't cry... maybe." She smirks. "You better not cry; I don't know how to deal with your issues. That's Lucid's problem." Her jaw drops and she laughs a bit, "My issues? I see how it is. You can help Chester, but not me? Does that mean I'm more complicated? Should I be flattered?" He rolls his eyes, "You know what I mean, idiot." She crosses her arms, "I'm telling Lucid everything you said." His eyes widen, "What? No. Don't tell her I said that; she'll kill me. Literally. She's got a plan written down and everything." She laughs hard, "You really think she's got your death planned out? Why would she go to jail for killing you? She would much rather kill someone who will leave a mark on society."

He shakes his head as he stands up. Walking into the kitchen, he says, "I know she's got it written somewhere. It's just something she would do." He grabs a cup and fills it with water. "I'm gonna go check on Chester now, see if he needs me. Feel free to leave whenever, just lock the door behind you. That's usually what you do anyway." He begins walking down the hallway towards Chester's bedroom. She laughs, "Don't act like you weren't the one who gave me a key!" She quickly decides that she wants to bother Lucid at work and leaves.

Aster stands outside of Chester's room. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for anything. He knocks quietly. "Chester? Hey... I was just coming to check up on you. I brought some water." He didn't hear anything for about a minute and was about to speak again when a soft voice could be heard. "I'm fine." Aster frowns slightly, knowing this wasn't the case. "Are you sure? I don't mind talking, y'know? I'm always here. We promised each other we wouldn't keep our emotions hidden, after all." He can hear a sigh from the other side of the door, then some shuffling. Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a messy Chester. He looked tired.

Aster smiles softly, "Hey, bud. How are you doing?" Chester stares at him for a minute before grabbing his wrist, pulling him into the room, and shutting the door behind him. Without speaking, he wraps his arms around Aster, hugging him. Aster chuckles a bit, "That bad, huh?" He wraps his own arms around him, holding him close. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Chester shakes his head. He knew that meant he must've had an anxiety attack. Chester never wanted to talk about them since he has been doing better. It always upsets him and makes him feel like he has failed somehow. Aster would never really understand why he felt this way, but he would try his best to help him through it. He would stay by his side forever, no matter how serious things got.


Word Count: 671


Chester is my newest character. He is 5'6 with grey-green eyes and short, fluffy, dirty blonde hair. He is pale with freckles covering his cheeks and often has a band-aid somewhere due to his clumsiness. He enjoys wearing sweaters and hoodies. Chester's favorite colors are yellow and brown. He likes drinking tea and reading. He also likes fruit; strawberries are his favorite. Chester dislikes socializing and loud noises. He also doesn't like overly spicy foods. His voice is usually softer. He will avoid eye contact when he speaks to you and communicate with as few words as possible. He also has anxiety. It is worse when he is younger and/or in his early teen years. He gets better at handling stressful situations as he gets older. Has a few friends.

I hope you enjoyed this! My writing has probably changed a bit since the last story I wrote, but that's alright. I have thought about re-writing my old stories since my characters and their relationships have changed a good bit. Hopefully I will be able to write longer stories at some point. Welp, until next time, have a great day, night, or midday! Bye my Stars!


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