Sticky Notes

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(The photo at the top does not belong to me)

I woke up feeling odd Monday, almost sad. I'm not sure why. It was sunny out, the temperature was nice, my hair was fine, and I took a long shower. I'm just, not feeling it. To be honest, I've been kinda down since then. Scar hasn't seemed to notice, so that's good. I'd hate to worry him over nothing.

It took me a while to get out of bed today, though I don't have anywhere to be super early, I still have some things to do around the house. I gather up some laundry as quickly as possible and throw it in the wash, I clean the dishes, and I clean the rest of the kitchen as well, all chores from the past week yet to be done. I look through all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and bathrooms, checking to see what we need from the store and writing it down as I do.

Huh. We don't need to restock any food and that's usually top of the list. Have I been eating? I'm not sure. Surely if I hadn't, Scar would've noticed and mentioned it, right? Yea. Surely. I send Scar a message of what we need.

*30 minutes later*

I'm in the process of whipping down the counter when I hear the door unlock, and familiar footsteps get closer. I look to the door of the kitchen, "welcome home Scar." I give him a small smile, it's the best I could do. "Hello, my Star." He walks toward me and hugs me from behind, "How was the store? It wasn't hectic was it?" He rests his head on mine, "It wasn't bad actually, no Karen's today thankfully." Though I can't see his face, I know he's smiling. He moves away from me, "what have you been up to?" I turn to look at him, "nothing much, just doing some chores I've been putting off." He smiles, "of course you have, I swear, I think you are always doing chores. What can I do to help?" I force a small laugh, "there is not much you can do really...maybe sweep?" His eyes light up a bit, glad he could be helpful. "That I can do," I've never seen someone be so happy over chores.

*Scar's POV*

I quickly grab the broom and run towards the bedroom, I grab a pad of sticky notes and a pen. The sticky notes, however, were not blank. They were filled with motivational things such as quotes or cute drawings. As I swept the house, I began to place the sticky notes in places I knew Phantom would see while later doing chores or other activities. I do this on random occasions, mainly when I notice Phantom feeling down, and this was definitely one of those times. I swept the hallway notes going on vases, picture frames, or the wall in general. I swept the activity room. Controller. Art desk. TV screen. Door nob. Done. I move on to the bathroom and stick one on the mirror. And lastly, the living room. This was going to be a challenge. When In the kitchen, you can see straight into the living room, so I had to be sneaky. While sweeping under the couch I place a note on the table and the remote on the couch. While leaving the room I quickly smack one on the picture frame of the two of us on our first anniversary. Complete! I bet he didn't notice a thing.

*Phantom's POV*

Is he on drugs? Why the hell is he sneaking around why sweeping? Whatever, it's best not to question it. Maybe he is trying to make a game of it. Oh well. Whatever helps him stay focused I guess. I see that he has finished and put my rag away, I think the counters are clean enough. Not that they were really dirty in the first place, it was mostly just a distraction. What to do now? Hmm...I guess I could dust? Yup, that'll do. I grab the duster and begin dusting only the nessecary things. I look around and spot a vase. I begin to dust it when something falls off and onto my toe, I almost screamed before realizing it was a piece of paper. 'What the hell?' I pick it up and was about to shove it into my pocket when I realized there was something written.

"Positive people have negative thoughts, they just don't let those thoughts grow and destroy them."

-unknown author-

I smile, genuinely. Scar must have done this. That means he must have noticed I was feeling down. That idiot.

I love him.


Helloooo, I hope you enjoyed this story! So, I have been putting photos at the top of the story, but I do not think they are staying for some reason. I have looked back at the other stories in while I have put them on, and they are not there. I am wondering if it is just a service problem...I will try to fix it. I hope you have an amazing day, night, or mid-day! Bye Stars!


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