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45 3 7

Lucid & Patch
( plus ??? )


The girl lay on her back in bed, thinking to herself silently, her partner laying next to her. 'Why can't I seem to sleep? I'm exhausted all the time, it doesn't make any sense.'

The bags under the girls eyes were like an endless void. Even when she spoke, you could tell she was tired, unless she hid it well. In which case, she did. Even when working all day, she still didn't fall asleep until at least 2 in the morning, then wakes up at 5. To sum it up, she gets about 3 hours of sleep if any. Tonight seems like one of those nights where she won't be getting any sleep.

The Next Morning


The purple haired girl lightly shook her partner trying to wake her, but she didn't seem to want to get up.

"Come on Lucid, we are already running behind as it is. I'd hate for us to be late..."


The yellow haired girl, now known as Lucid, slowly began to wake.

"let me sleeeeeeeep..."

Lucid suddenly turned her back on her partner trying to go back to sleep, knowing she'd be unable to in the end.

"Fine, *sigh* I guess you leave me no choice then..."

The purple haired girl backs away from the bed. Suddenly, she runs toward the bed and jumps towards her.

"Wait, what are you- SHIT!"

The one named Patch lands on top of Lucid crushing her by the weight.

"Paaaaatch, get off meeeeee..."

"I warned you dumbass, now get ready for class."

"Alright, alright. Jeez"

Patch stood back up and walked out the door.

Lucid lay there confused by the mornings events.

'I still can't believe she thought I was actually asleep, she's usually better about that...or maybe she just let me get away with it? Whatever, it doesn't really matter, I should get ready before Patch actually kills me.'

A Bit Later

"Patch! I'm gonna make lunches, what do you want?"

Patch walks into the kitchen and leans up against the counter.

"I don't know, surprise me."

Patch smiles a bit

"Come on, I don't know what you like. Help me out."

"I think you should know what I like seeing as we've been living together for years. Besides, there's no need to worry, no matter what you pack I'll like it anyways."

Lucid blushes a bit and looks at Patch. Patch also looks at Lucid with a faint blush and smiles.

"You know that's not true, what if I were to pack olives?"

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