Character Bio Time!!!!

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When I say a characters Skin Tone, I am referring to the names in the image above. Let me know if I need to explain anything in more detail! I'll create a bio for myself soon! If you have any questions for me, put it in a comment, I always read them! Also, I already have the next story planned out, I just have to write it now. Welp, bye for now Stars! I hope you have an amazing day, night or mid-day! Enjoy the bios!


-Name: Lucid
-Age: 19
-Pronouns: Any/All
-Sexuality: Asexual; Abromantic; Genderqueer; Polysexual
-Partner: Patch (Girlfriend) and Code (Girlfriend)
-Siblings: Phantom (Older) and Navy (Twin)
-Hair: Long; Straight; Light Blonde
-Eyes: Green-Blue
-Height: 5'2
-Skin: Limestone
-Accessories: Gold Star Necklace; Earrings (they change)
-One Random Fact: Has trust issues (if she cannot trust you she will stay as far away as possible)

-Name: Navy
-Age: 19
-Pronouns: He/Him
-Sexuality: Gay
-Partner: Web (Boyfriend)
-Siblings: Phantom (Older) and Lucid (Twin)
-Hair: Short; Curled; Black
-Eyes: Dark Blue
-Height: 5'2
-Skin: Limestone (just a tad bit darker than Lucid)
-Accessories: None
-One Random Fact: Him and Web are "definitely" only friends.

-Name: Phantom
-Age: 25
-Pronouns: He/Him
-Sexuality: Gay
-Partner: Scar (Fiance)
-Siblings: Lucid (Younger) and Navy (Younger)
-Hair: Short; Fluffy; Dirty Blonde
-Eyes: Blue
-Height: 5'0
-Skin: Band
-Accessories: Engagement Ring
-One Random Fact: He loves stargazing when he can't control his thoughts, the silence is calming to him.

-Name: Patch
-Age: 23
-Pronouns: She/Her
-Sexuality: Lesbian
-Partner: Lucid (Girlfriend) and Code (Girlfriend)
-Siblings: None
-Hair: Very Long; Straight, but she curls it daily; Dark Brown; Dark Purple Ends
-Eyes: Dark Brown
-Height: 5'10
-Skin: Band
-Accessories: Gold Star Necklace; Earrings (Changing)
-One Random Fact: She enjoys designing outfits and often asks Lucid or Code to try on the outfits rather than buying a mannequin.

-Name: Scar
-Age: 24
-Pronouns: He/Him
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Partner: Phantom (Fiance)
-Siblings: Amber (Younger)
-Hair: Medium (Worn in a ponytail); Wavy; Black
-Eyes: Hazel
-Height: 5'11
-Skin: Rose Beige
-Accessories: Ponytail
-One Random Fact: Whenever he is freaking out/angry, he sends to clench his fists, cutting his hands with his nails. Phantom has to attempt to stop him from harming himself.

Name: Web
-Age: 21
-Pronouns: He/Him
-Sexuality: Pansexual; Transexual
-Partner: Navy (Boyfriend)
-Siblings: Code (Older)
-Hair: Short; Curly; Dark Brown
-Eyes: Dark Brown
-Height: 5'9
-Skin: Almond
-Accessories: None
-One Random Fact: He constantly wants to be around Navy, though Navy won't let him for the most part. He's like a puppy almost.

-Name: Amber
-Age: 17
-Pronouns: They/Them
-Sexuality: Non-Binary; Bi
-Partner: Maroon (Boyfriend)
-Siblings: Scar (Older)
-Hair: Short; Fluffy; Red part fading to orange tips
-Eyes: Grey
-Height: 5'4
-Skin: Sienna
-Accessories: Small ear hoops
-One Random Fact: They are afraid of llamas, oschrichs, and giraffes (anything with an unreasonable neck length).

-Name: Maroon
-Age: 18
-Pronouns: He/Him
-Sexuality: Pansexual
-Partner: Amber (Significant other)
-Siblings: None
-Hair: Long; Straight; Very dark red
-Eyes: Dark Blue
-Height: 5'8
-Skin: Sienna
-Accessories: None
-One Random Fact: He loves giraffes.

-Name: Code
-Age: 24
-Pronouns: She/Her
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Partner: Lucid (Girlfriend) and Patch (Girlfriend)
-Siblings: Web (Younger)
-Hair: Long; Curly; Black with blue streaks
-Eyes: Green
-Height: 6'0
-Skin: Sienna
-Accessories: Bracelets, sun hair pin, dangling sun earrings.
-One Random Fact: Likes to act like a Tsundere when both Lucid and Patch are around, but is very flirtatious when alone with Patch.

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