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Star & Scar

Ugh, my brother is driving me insane. Why won't he just accept the fact that Scar is a good person? He needs to stay out of it, I know he's just being an over protective brother, BUT STILL. It's over bearing.

"Star? You out here?"

"Yea! Back here in the clearing."

I hear the sound of crunching leaves as they approach me. My heart flutters a bit, but I pay no mind to it. They're my friend after all, I've gotten used to this feeling now. We've been friends since we were little and it's hard to separate us to be honest. I was always a bit of a trouble maker, getting myself into dangerous situations was pretty much and everyday occurrence. Scar, however was a bit calmer, not by much, but still much calmer than me. They always watched over me and got me out of trouble, protecting me no matter what.

"Soo, you wanna tell me why you are hiding from me?"

"Who says I'm hiding from you?"

"Nobody, just a hunch is all. Besides, if you're not hiding from me, who are you hiding from?"

I smile as a laugh escapes from me.

"You make it sound like I only hide from you."

"I mean, you don't have a reason to hide from anyone else, so I assumed."

"Alright then, if you must know, I'm trying to get away from my brother for a bit. He's kinda suffocating if you get what I mean."

"Yea I know, he barely lets me near you. I mean, he did kinda lose you for a while, maybe he's afraid I might hurt you? Or worried someone will."

"I mean, I get that, but he has no right to know what I am doing every second of my life. Any time he finds out we were hanging out, he wants to know everything that happened, which I definitely don't understand."

"Well that's easy."

"What, how?"

"He wants to know if I tried to get with you or make a move, you know?"

"No, not really. I don't think I quite understand."

I look up at Scar and notice a tint of red on his cheeks, is he sick? No, surely not, he would've told me. Right?

"Well, to sum it up, he wants to find out if we are dating. Or in other words, make sure we're not. He doesn't want us doing things he thinks you shouldn't since he still sees you as his baby brother."

I feel my face heat up. Dating? I haven't dated since...Why would my brother think we were dating? Me and another guy? That doesn't make any sense. I mean, I'm not against it or anything, but I'm not sure if I could do that. Especially things like...I feel my face heat up more. Nope, never, why the hell did I even try to imagine that, I'm so stupid sometimes. Scar and I are just friends, nothing more, nothing less. Well maybe best friends, but nonetheless, just friends.

"Are you alright, you seem a little confused, embarrassed even. I understand that's not how you really feel, so there's no need to freak out. Also, your brother might not actually be thinking that way, maybe he's just really protective overall?"

"I am more confused as to how my brother could think that we are more than friends. I mean, I know that we are close, but not any closer than him and Web. Also, I'm not embarrassed about the fact that he thinks we are dating, but more the fact that he might think we are doing stuff like, well, you know. I'd honestly rather not think about it to be honest. Not because you are a guy, but because I've never really thought about that kinda thing, like, at all."

I look down at my shirt and noticed that I've been fidgeting with it, wrinkling it in the process. I can't believe we are even having this conversation, I mean, there's no reason he needs to know that I haven't thought about it, why should he?

"That's alright, I completely understand. Although I haven't, not thought about that sorta thing, like in a way of trying to figure out if I'm even into that, which I don't think I am. Maybe that will calm you're brothers nerves if he knows that I'm not. I mean, we're not together, but it might still help a bit."

"I understand why you think we should tell him, but honestly, it's none of his business what our relationship does or does not consist of. I don't question his and Web's relationship, I mean, they are more likely to be doing stuff like that than I am, and I'm technically years older than him. He'll just have to learn to deal with it."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do? I want to be on your brother's good side, I hate that he doesn't trust me, but I don't know what I could do to fix it. No offense, but your brother is a very confusing person and real hard to read. Also, what if you do decided to get into a relationship at some point, but he still acts like this towards me? It's gonna cause whoever you are with to be untrusting, thinking we are secretly together. I know what I'm saying is a bit over the top, but I'm not completely wrong, am I?

I sit there a little confused. Why does Scar care so much about being on my brother's good side? Why does it matter so much to him that my brother doesn't trust him? Maybe he is just bothered that someone has issues with him. Or that someone doesn't like him.

"No offense, but why do you care so much about being on my brothers good side? I really don't mean it in a bad way, I'm just curious to be honest. I also don't think I'm looking to be in a relationship anyways, they take up time and stress me out too much to enjoy them."

I look over and see more of a red tint on his face, honestly what is wrong with him? I know he's not sick, so why would he be embarrassed right now?

"Well, I just thought that since we were so close, it would be the nice thing to do to get to know your brother. I mean, your sister and I don't really talk, but it's not because she dislikes me, she just doesn't talk to many people in general. I also just like being on everyone's good side and avoid drama. I don't like having people hate or distrust me, It's just something that bothers me."

"Oh, that's alright. I understand. Trust me, if anyone will understand having problems it's me. I'm practically the king of problems after all."

I laugh a bit to myself, although Scar heard me. It doesn't bother me though, I wasn't really trying to hide it anyways. I hear a laugh come from Scar, my face heats up a bit as I smile. He sure knows how to make someone smile. Scar really is amazing, isn't he?

Words: 1,269

Hello my little Stars! It's been a little while since the last update, but I wasn't very motivated and school was a real thorn in my side (Not me making excuses all the damn time-). I hope you guys are enjoying these little stories and make sure to let me know if there are any spelling issues! As always, have an amazing day, night, or mid-day! Bye Loves!


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