The Sweet Surrender

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❤️ The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

Sometimes if we don't get what we expected only proves we are not really the center of the universe. There is still a stronger force that we are all bound by it. That is the Most High and Almighty One. Disappointments carry with it an occult practice of conjuring with the realm of the gods. It is another failure.

Yes, no one will concede, but rather had a dissenting opinion, who cares, truth is powerful than lies. It is that denial of iniquity that runs to the veins that cradles the occult in mankind. The arrogance of pretending to know everything, the opulence of displaying grandiose, and the envy of the omnipotence of a higher being.

The very dissatisfaction of one's limitations is the inner occult that interplays with spirituality. That morality becomes a standard of a true devil worshipper pretending what he does is good, well in fact it is a blatant abomination in the sight of the One True Holy Being.

Self worship is as dangerous as ignorance. But denial is more subtile. Until one day that mankind will be free from the power of the occult. Morality will never be restored to its rightful pedestal. It will remain dragged in the oracles of the workers of iniquities who are way too proud of themselves because of their learnings and conquest of the material world.

It is not as much good when one thinks he is the master of his own fate. For when one thinks as such, that person is deluded by the ever pressing pride that lurks in the flesh, fulfilling the lust thereof and hails like a triumphant stupid who has never been into war.

The awakening is far fetched, when every sugarcoated words resides and swallowed by the fools in a nuisance articulation. Howbeit that the morons dreamed of paradise when they wilfully re enact the eating of the forbidden fruit in an hourly basis. Peace shall depart from man as he draws near to his doom, he is still loving the life of the delusion of the grandeur. So sayeth the soul to the body, "Beware you fool!".

Man's days are numbered!

It shall surely come!

The words spoken by Flordelize arbitrarily while staring at the face of Steven.

When it was all heared by Steven, he was left speechless and in shock and awe!


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