The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
© Kingsays Alegrius Writes

ll. The Sweet Spot Of Hatred

The incident in Steven's room scattered like a wild fire among their neighbors about two to three blocks away. Though it is so uncommon in that suburbia of these kind of practice ever since, talking about another's life, it really spread out exponentially from one mouth to another.

It maybe due to the irregular occurrence that their noise was heard by their immediate neighboring houses. It can't anymore be averted, neither that there is a way to quench the natural inquisitive minds of people especially those sipping their morning tea or coffee, those playing lawn tennis, those jogging folks early in the morning.

All these aggravated Steven's hatred of himself, fearing from this day on he is now treated as a person with supernatural if not superficial touch of reality, that is to say one who is losing his sanity and apt into making stories of make believe to catch everyone's attention. A poor young man with insatiable appetite for self glorification. But in reality, that is not the case. It was never a scheme to aim such nuisance disconcerting and unsolicited social glamour.

Disoriented, Steven took the paper and crumpled it, with strong force he torn it to pieces and let it drift slowly from his hands like that of sands.

Holding on to his sanity, he laughed for no reason, as his tears slowly fell down his cheeks, he felt helpless. Hopeless and in a state of uneasiness, he picked his camera and tossed it to and fro in the bed as it bounced back. He did it again and again until he failed to catch it for the last time.

The camera fell on the floor, it made him to get back in his senses and picked it up again and hug it like a teddy bear.


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