The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

It is all coming back again, the old days is not after all gone. That is what in the minds of Prof. Malchus. He can't ignore but to feel the pain of recalling how his two children died in that school grounds where he is teaching.

He can freshly recall their bodies lying dead bloody with several cuts, wounds and bruises. What makes it more trivializing is that their hearts were burned and their fingers were clamped and pounded with hammer.

Their cadavers were found in barbaric state of tortures and unspeakable desecration as they were both naked and seemed forced to do illicit and incestuous sexual act before killing.

This is not at all new in the school grounds, it did perpetrate for several decades until that day when an exorcist cleansed the entire school premises with religious rituals and Latin enchantments known to be the workings of specially trained Catholic clerics.

But Steven's condition is a looming premonition of recurring curse. In fact the article was said to be deleted by the platform yet it persisted on its own to resurface for whatever unknown glitch it just comes back even deleted several hundred times.

The professor is sure that the chain is not after all broken by the exorcist. He feared that this time it was Flordelize he might lose again because of the curse that was unleashed in that school.

It must be averted or else the demons will strike again to infest Flordelize through Steven. It shouldn't happen no one from among the two will be saved from the wrath of the demonic spirits that are already lingering, just waiting to devour two young virgin souls.


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