The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

If life is a game of luck, surely, Steven is lucky enough to have such coincidence of having Prof. Malchus as a mentor. Though it seems for most, history and a survey of ancient world civilizations as a subject is not that significant, however, for him it is a much anticipated area of learning.

Just right after that introductory lecture of the professor, Steven went on to skim and scan some of internet proliferated data on the said field of study both the academic and non academic electronic publications.

Out of curiosity he typed in the name of Sir Malchus Ruppert, lo and behold, there is an already published article written by the same on "Parallel History of Mankind". A topic of never heard among the average, moreover, for those below average.

He steadfastly gazed upon the face of Prof. Malchus with mixed emotions bearing in his mind how he spoken from first to the last minute of the class and was convinced that it could have been a great find to read the said article authored by the professor.

Without hesitation, he downloaded the file in his phone and saved it for later reading. As he approached some of his classmates in gibberish talks, he showed a respectful gesture and asked "Is this the first time you all encountered the professor?"

"Absolutely!" They replied in unison.

Steven gave them a sweet smile and turned around saying to himself, it is not that peculiar anyhow to feel anxiously burdened by the demeanor of the professor.

He continued to walk in the school corridor towards the exit when he saw that fair lady who seems just like the first time, in a hurry climbing the stairs leading to the faculty lounge.

He nervously followed her and sure it was, she went inside the faculty lounge and sat beside Prof. Malchus.

Confused and not knowing what is happening, he decided to go down the stairs and let it hang for a while whatever anxiety he is feeling towards the fair lady because it is getting late for that afternoon.

He went home. In silence while in his room, he browsed the article written by Prof. Malchus, when but suddenly he was called by his mum that dinner is served.

He went out of his room towards the dining table, while on his seat his mother asked, "So how was your school, Steven?"

"It's fine mum, nothing remarkable, except that I have a very austere professor." He replied.

"Well that is great! You will learn from him, so better do your homework." Said his mum.


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