The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
© Kingsays Alegrius Writes

The daunting task of finding answers became a challenge for Steven, he started to lose patience and interest in his studies and spent most of his time roaming around every places he can possibly be.

From bookstores, candy shops, toy stores even house of worships, and places of vices. Nothing skips from his meticulous inquiry. When he fix his eyes on anything that he finds, he can't help but to dig more.

One time he was seen by his classmates in a coffee shop reading something, they marvelled at his looks and appearance that they almost mistook him as a shrewd businessman. But upon closer look, yes it is Steven no other because of his signature camera that he always bring with him anywhere and everywhere he goes.

At that very instant, a car passed by and it was Flordelize going to school who can't help herself to gaze upon Steven for she known him already. As she pass by, she saw Steven writing something in a very serious and focused countenance.

She opened the car window and yelled, "Hey Steven, going to school yet?"

Steven saw Flordelize and gave a smile but saying in a gesture ,"No! Thanks!"

So they left and proceed on their way to school with her driver and body guards. Flordelize can't also help but notice the sudden transformation of Steven from a shy type guy to an uncanny and over the top man he wanted to project.

When she reached school, she immediately went to his father and asked directly, "Papa is Steven attending your class?"

Surprised the professor just said "Why do you care anyway? Are you meeting him?"

"No Papa I just saw him now at a coffee shop in the streets and just wondered if he is attending your class." Says Flordelize.

"Ok then my dear, I will handle this matter, is that fair enough for you?" The professor replied.

Then Flordelize just nodded and went out of her father's classroom.

The professor for no solid reason just felt something strange and began to recall the conversation he had with Steven.

As expected he realized it was about the article.

He quietly closed his eyes and gasp. He knew by this time something went wrong.

That something is really bad and needs serious attention.

The professor realized, another victim fell in this myriad of chain of death.


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