The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️

© Kingsays Alegrius Writes

It all came to pass, the night is over, feeling exhausted, Steven took a pen and paper and started to write. He knows he is not good at writing, he still insisted to himself to write down that strange experience he had.

On a clear blank page he drew a symbol. Below the symbol he began to write the following:

I, Steven Harrold, on the night of August 06, 2020, learned the following from an article written by Prof. Malchus Dwight Ruppert, PhD.

It's magical, it is a witchcraft, it is a mystical experience to be mere staring at this symbol that serves as a portal to see both reality and parallel world.

If it is an act of the devil, God forbid me for opening the portal. If it is a sacred ritual of the divine, may the spirits forgive my self acceded entrance to their spells and chants.

When the heavens and the earth meets, nothing is pleasant, when good and evil clash, nothing is comprehensible.

Choosing any, I find it really hard to trust my judgement as it becomes so sleek and straightened by the reality of knowing what is unknown, deciphering what is coded.

If this reality where I am now is a counter balance of an unfathomable and hidden truth, then let my soul perish from seeing such marvel.

I, for one, do hereby ask the realm of the living, the dead, and the undead, like many who had already seen what is beneath and above, do hereby depose and say,

Give me rest!

Give back my innocence!

Bring me back in the time when I don't have the burden of this proof.

I want to live as a normal being.

The kind of being without blemish, without the bloods and stains of the underworld, without the presence of guilt.

Do hear my supplications.

Come into my aid.


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