The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

Just as everyone managed to settle in, a loud voice diffused like a scent of anger inside the hall when Prof. Malchus stepped in and uttered: "How much time is needed to escape?"

Out of confusion every students looked at each other quietly, not a drop of pen is heard. Not a flip of paper sounded. It was  a deep silence.

Prof. Malchus then wrapped up the tone by sitting in front of the desk and introduced himself and the usual standard operating procedures in the academe, i. e. Course code and course descriptive title.

Then went on asking, "Is anyone have had took it by mistake to enter my class you may now step out."

Few seconds went by, no one stands, no one stepped out, it is clear that all present are enrolled in his class.

"Academic life is nothing more than being absolutely patient. It is nothing higher or lesser than that of being a worker, an investor, an administrator, a fisher folk. All are playing a significant role in contributing to what is only expected of us no more no less. So if there is a virtue you must posses, it is patience, for it also worketh virtue." Prof. Malchus stated.

A simple yet profound  synopsis of what is expected in the entire duration of the semester is perhaps laid out with clarity among students who are at this point still gazing with amazement of what had transpired in the first few minutes of their stay in Prof. Malchus' class.

Steven who seats at the back marvel with enthusiasm as he now meet face to face Prof. Malchus.

It is by this time made himself calmed of the anxious thoughts of who was this man that he purposively taken a stolen shot by the window pane.

It was not a big deal after all, it is but natural for the Professor to be sounding and looking like with authority.

Professor Malchus will be their teacher in World History and Ancient World Civilizations. He is a longtime professor in the department of History and Economics both under the field of Social Sciences.

Steven finds it more interesting to learn from Prof. Malchus, at this juncture, he reaffirmed his commitment to do his best in this class.


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