The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

The professor was left in the room overnight while lying face down on his table, no one noticed he was alone in his office. He was still motionless until the next morning. The room turn dark because the lights were off.

The dawn breaks as the usual routine of the janitor assigned, he went to the office of Prof. Malchus to clean it up. Without any premonition, the old janitor entered the room and he saw the professor head down on his table.

Scared and confused he hastily ran towards him and gently tapped him. The professor did not respond so he decided to call school authorities to inform them of what he discovered. He raced with time to reach the security office and reported the incident.

The head security rushed to the scene thinking it was a crime, a foul play, he grabbed his phone and called the police department for back up. As he entered the room there he saw Professor Malchus still unconscious. He checked for vital signs on the professor and was relieved to discover that he is still breathing though steadily unconscious.

He called the paramedics of the school and they took the professor in the school clinic for emergency treatment. Due to his ailing body, they decided to rush him to the nearby hospital just a few minutes away.

He was received by the emergency staff in the hospital and in no time, he was attended by a physician to be revived. The professor eventually gained his consciousness but unable to speak, so the doctor decided to confine him for further diagnosis.

Rumors spread in the school campus on the event that took place in the professor's office. But to the amazement of the school authorities nothing is significantly unusual inside the office. It was still in an orderly and tidy fashion. So they suspect that the professor may just be exhausted and fell  deep sleep alone.


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