The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
© Kingsays Alegrius Writes

Sitting in the students pathway, Steven meticulously rewinds the images he just captured recently. Though it seems at this very moment nothing makes astounding and worth of focus. Another collection of random photos for keep.

Time passed by students as well, still Steven can't help but wonder what was spoken by Prof. Malchus on that upper room. His mind reverberates the scene of the professor's unforgettable countenance as he gazed outside the window.

That face is telling something of rage, unpleasantness, irritability. For what? That remains a puzzle for Steven.

He stood up and took his belongings, as he is about to turn from his seat he accidentally bumped to someone.

A teenage student just like him whose face is covered by a shawl yet her beautiful shining eyes caught Steven's attention.

He went on saying "Apologies, my Madame!"

The lady just continued walking without any regards to what just happened. It is as if she is in a hurry to catch up something more important than to spend her few minutes over a conversation with anyone.

The kind of attitude struck Steven and made him want to know more. So he secretly followed the lady but unfortunately, she is about to enter a car with body guards, so he halted and just looked from a distance until the car ran and disappeared from his sight.

A strange feeling, something is not right, it just felt there is an anomaly just somewhere, somehow, but Steven cannot ascertain where it comes from.

Is the fair lady from a royalty? Is she from business elite? Is she from the parliament?

No matter what, it caused to raise Steven's longing to seek and know more.

He went home perplexed.


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