The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

Reluctantly, Steven went to the hospital to check on Prof. Malchus, though it seems uncomfortable for him, he still decided to. Least that he knew that things are even strange on what is happening in the hospital. Prof. Malchus is awakened but still motionless and unable to talk seemingly in a state of shock.

Upon entering the hospital, he went into the emergency ward and asked for the professor's room in the nurse station where he received directions. Walking slowly with sense of body fatigue he went straight to the room as directed.

There just outside the door, he saw Flordelize sitting in a pew looking so worried and upset. He approached her and talked to her in a sincere concern.

"Hey, how is the professor's doing? Is he alright?" Said Steven.

Flordelize just sobbed and  said her father is in a state of shock motionless and unable to talk. She further continued in saying that his father might be staying long as expected in the hospital until soon that the doctors have done necessary tests to ascertain and come up with their diagnosis.

Steven upon hearing the words of Flordelize sat beside her and tried to speak in some comforting words out of deep concern and pity.

"Don't cry, he will be just fine. Now that he is in the hospital and under the care of the doctors. He will recover soon!"

"Well I really do hope that papa will be going fine soon" replied Flordelize.

Steven then went on offering some help saying, "Well if there is something that I can do to be of help to you and the professor, don't hesitate to ask for it. Besides, his total recovery is what I am also hoping for so that I will be able to know from him what is also happening to me."

Upon hearing those words, Flordelize stopped crying and gently looked at Steven and asked him, "What do you mean? What do you need of my father and what is happening to you?"

"Flordelize you need to know that I and your father has this an unfinished conversation on his article that was published on the web."

Flordelize went speechless on what she heard of Steven. She can't believe it that he knows already the deep kept secret of her family and the school.

By this time she knew she had to reveal to Steven about the curse.

She looked at Steven with an eye to eye contact saying, "You already knew! You are now a part of this curse! Our days are over the both of us!"

Astonished, Steven felt rattling and he can't control his body from shivering as the words of Flordelize penetrated his senses.


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