The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender ❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

After he finished his dinner, Steven went back to his room and opened his computer to browse the article written by Prof. Malchus and it immediately popped out in the screen. He clicked on it and there comes out a warning that says:

"This article is not for the amateur historian and random unscrupulous reader!"

Getting more excited he clicked again and comes out another dire warning saying:

"Disclaimer: You had been warned! Read at your own risk!"

By this time, Steven felt the gravity of the article and how it may affect readers like him to uncover such contents that is anyway published on electronic platform for everyone to access.

Having some feeling of fear, he still opened the article and saw the title with a preface stating the credentials of Prof. Malchus Ruppert as a professional writer and researcher with substantial amount of credibility and authority in the field of his expertise.

Though it is not so surprising to learn that the professor indeed accumulated such impeccable credentials, it is still worth of contemplation and pre adventure to read through his vitae. So like maybe anyone else who stumbled upon this article, he finished reading all that is written in that preface.

One thing made Steven uneasy is the description of Prof. Malchus as a member of an elite group of intellectuals in the university. At a very young age, he finds it so hard to comprehend what does this membership implies towards the totality of the professor's field of expertise.

Well like everyone else, when something is beyond the mind's comprehension, it will switch on that cognitive dissonance and went block out for that matter.

He opened the next page and saw an abstract of the article that is to say a synopsis of what is it all about.

He was in grim to realized what he just stumbled! His excitement turned to slumber. His earnest anticipation just turned gray. His heart pounds more than he had felt for as long as he can remember, this is the first time he learned of such parallel world that is hidden from plain sight!


The Sweet Surrender Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora