The Sweet Surrender

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❤️The Sweet Surrender❤️
©Kingsays Alegrius Writes

The Sweet Surrender

I. The Encounter

"Stop preying on young minds!" A loud vivid voice that echoed in the room. It was the Prof. Malchus Dwight Ruppert who yelled at a colleague.

Most of these university professors acquaint themselves in intellectual but real conversations, as a result, disagreements always seem to devour their hearts and souls on many pressing issues.

"It won't change a thing, my dear lad, it really won't..." Says Prof. Malchus before leaving.

Just right before the austere professor left, he gazed with exhaustion at the window pane as if taking a last breath to calm his soul.

It was a perfect angle for Steven to take a stolen shot of the well respected and properly groomed professor as he turned his face close to that window...

Click... click...all it took is second of a milli- second to snap that infamous stolen shot to come.

The university bears testament not just to its alumni and students for centuries, this same university also has bred countless minds that shaped the world politics, economy and religion.

Steven as a freshman student in the School of Business and Economics, already had such a feeling of auspiscious pondering of what is yet to come.

Luckily, he has a very optimistic ideals on what it would become after finishing his degree in this premiere university.


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