Chain clan's home

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Meanwhile, in a different part of the forest, Chain clan was also out and about hunting. They came across a midsized group of  eight rabbits near a stream.

So quickly and quietly spreading out around part of the river, the badgers of Chain clan made their way closer to the unsuspecting rabbits.

Soon, the soon to be predators had successfully surrounded the rabbits. Chaintooth began the chase, charging towards the rabbits across the stream.

That was the que for the badgers of Chain clan to continue the chase. As they quickly crossed the stream and ran after the rabbits, Chainfang had taken a different route.

The rabbits were jumping over logs and trees that had fallen over, as well as running under these obstacles. 

But so were the Chain badgers, who were quickly gaining on the rabbits. As for Chainfang, he was running up on a rock that went up at an angle.

It was a perfect time for him to cut off the rabbits, so as he ran up the rock as fast as he could, he  jumped off at the end.

The rabbits were running past him as he basically landed on top of two rabbits, knocking them to the ground.

Before they could get up, Chainfang bit one of them, and dug his claws in the chest of another.

These rabbits weren't getting away from him. The rest of Chain clan pursued after the fleeing rabbits as they took them down.

As they started eating, Chaintooth and Chainfang went off into the forest by themselves to make a new territory.

The two boars found a slope with lots of trees and bushes surrounding it. Chaintooth and Chainfang quickly dug near the front of a pine tree at the top of the slope.

When they were finished, Chaintooth dug up underneath a bush at the Western side of the slope. He had made an entrance in the shade of the bush.

It would also be a perfect place to look over the land surrounding the slope. That way, the Chain badgers could keep approaching trespassers away.

Chaintooth and Chainfang marked some trees and made scent marks in thwir new territory. 

But while they were heading back to the river to show the rest of their clan their new home, another badger stepped in front of them.

It was Cloudfur of Cloud clan, and he looked surprised to see them. But his expression changed when he found out that Chain clan had hunted the rabbits on the Cloud clan border.

He growled at the two Chain badgers, who snarled at him and soon Cloudfur was backing up away from them until the rest of the Chain clan badgers began to surround him.

Not wanting to get killed, Cloudfur quickly ran off as the Chain badgers went to their new home.

Once they arrived at the slope, Chaintooth and Chainfang showed the rest of the clan their new home. It was perfect, and it was cool underneath the trees and bushes.

Once they had settled in, the Chain badgers quickly made some new chambers.

They made the sleeping chamber first, then went on to digging the food storage chamber. And after that, the badgers made the escape tunnel and the latrine chamber.

Since Chain clan still had the rabbits that they hunted earlier, they decided that they would eat and share some of them and save the rest in the food chamber. 

Then the badgers found another stream, only this one was at the bottom of the slope near the south.

So after drinking some water, the Chain badgers decided to get some rest that evening. 

Little did they know, but another clan would come to the forest later that evening. And the clan bad lots of badger in it. 

Just like Chain clan and Grim clan.

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