Thorn clan's fight

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Later that same evening, Thorntooth and his clan spread out in the forest, surrounding a small clearing.

The reason why is because there were ten wolverines eating some deer carcasses. And Thorn clan would have the carcasses for themselves. 

After they killed the wolverines of course. So moving in first, Thorntooth walked up to the wolverines, who snarled and growled at him.

He didn't seem to care as he kept walking. He gave a deep growl from his stomach as the rest of the Thorn badgers followed his lead.

They surrounded the wolverines to cut off any potential escape, and slowly closed in in them. The wolverines, however, were not going to give up their deer carcass without a fight.

So they charged towards the badgers of Thorn clan, who lunged at them, attacking their opponents ferociously.

Thornfang bit down on the foreleg of a wolverine so hard that he broke it with a resounding crack, making his opponent snarl in pain.

Thorntooth and three Thorn badgers ran up to the leader of the wolverine group, and took them down.

 The Thor clan leader bit the wolverine's shoulder as one of his badgers dug his teeth into he muzzle of the wolverine 

The wolverine started bleeding from his muzzle with deep teeth marks on it as the badger let go and turned his attention to another wolverine that lunged at him.

The badger simply swung his right paw upwards, striking the wolverine's chin so hard that he did a complete backflip and landed heavily on his left shoulder.

It only took a few minutes to wipe out the wolverines that were there moments before, but with twenty four badgers that are hungry and cruel, what else could be expected?

Thorntooth and his clan began to feast in the deer carcass, eating it until they and picked off all the meat.

But they were still hungry, and went off into the forest to find something to eat. 

Leaving the injured wolverines on the ground behind them, the Thorn clan badgers went hunting.

If anything got in their way or tried to stop them, they would make the animal seriously regret the moment they even got in their way.

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