Meeting Thorntooth

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Early the next morning, Stonepaw, Badge, and Rocky went out for a walk in the forest. They soon came across the dead body of a coyote.

As the badgers started eating, they looked up and saw a badger standing under some trees a few yards in front of them.

He was solid black and had a grim look in his face. The badger didn't have any stripes on his face, and his eyes were solid red, just like Shiro's eyes.

Only this badger's eyes had a faint glow at night.

 Could it be that the badger was related to Shiro the white badger? Apparently he was his big brother. The badger's name was Thorntooth, and he was the leader of  Thorn clan.

Soon, some more black badgers showed up, and their heads were either solid white or normal badger heads with the stripes.

 There were three badgers that had solid white stripes on their heads, while there were three badgers with normal badger heads.

There were even three badgers that were solid black with white stripes on their backs trike skunks. 

The first badger with a solid white head was Thornstomp, and he had brown eyes and had sharp claws.

The second badger with a solid white head was Thornkick, and he had blue eyes for some reason.

The third badger with a solid white head was Thornpaw, and she was the sister of Thornstomp and Thornkick. She also had brown eyes, and was the mate of Thornstripe.

The first badger with a normal head was Thornstripe, and he was vicious to other badgers that weren't in his clan. He also had blue eyes, and was the mate of Thornpaw.

The second badger that had a normal head was Grimace, and he had green eyes. He was the older brother of Thornchain and Thornsnap.

The third badger whose head was normal was Thornchain. and he also had green eyes. He was the younger brother of Grimace, and was the twin brother of Thornsnap.

Another badger who was a relative wasThornsnap, and he had yellow eyes. He was the younger brother of Grimace and the twin brother of Thornchain.

The second badger that was a relative was Thornbite, and he also had yellow eyes. He was the older brother of his twin younger brothers Thronstab and Thornjaw.

The third badger that was another relative was Thornstab and he had orange eyes. He was the twin brother of Thornjaw and the younger brother of Thornbite.

The fourth badger was the only badger that looked like a normal badger. His name was Thornjaw and he also had orange eyes.

He was the twin brother of Thornstab and was the younger brother of Thirnbite.

There were five other badgers that had the same eye colors and markings in their fur and they were all males. 

Their names were Thornsword, Thorndagger, Thornspike, Thislash, and Thornfur. These five badgers were brothers.

And on top of already having fifteen badgers in his clan, Thorntooth had seven more badgers with similar names, and eye colors of the badgers with him.

There was badger in Thorn clan named Thornfang, and he was Thorntooth's eldest cousin 

So Thorntooth had twenty-three badgers in his clan, plus himself and his younger brother Shiro. Which meant that Thorn clan the biggest badger clan in the forest.

Seeing that they were outnumbered, Stonepaw and his sons quickly turned around and went hunting somewhere else in the forest.

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