Being released

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The time soon came for Stonepaw and His father Digger to be released back into the forest so they could go home. Stonepaw's ankle had healed completely, and the vet brought some animal rescue people as they looked him over and ran a few more tests and x-rays on him. 

He was in a perfect condition to be released back into the forest. After carefully putting Stonepaw and his father into a animal travel cage that was big enough for the two of them, the animal rescue people loaded them into the back of their pickup truck and drove out into a familiar part of the forest.

 Stonepaw had a tracking device collar on hi neck so the animal rescue people could know where he is, and make sure he was safe. Soon, they were in the forest, and the animal rescue people, along with Dr.Kenson. After unloading the cage from the trunk of the pickup, the animal rescue people decided to take out their cameras to send them to other animal rescue organizations on their success with helping Stonepaw with his rescue and recuperation. 

Dr.Kenson opened up the cage as he and the animal rescue people watched as Stonepaw and Digger walked out of their cage as they looked around at the forest surrounding them. With the cameras watching, Stonepaw and Digger looked back at the animal rescue people and at Dr.Kenson, who had helped them out. 

The badgers were grateful for the help they received form the young vet and from the animal rescue people. Dr.Kenson kneeled down next to Stonepaw and Digger as he smiled at them and said "Be safe out there, you guys." 

Digger and Stonepaw gently growled as they trotted off into the forest. Dr.Kenson and the animal rescue people smiled and cheered, happy that they were able to help the badgers in their release from the animal hospital.

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