Coyote hunting

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The next morning at 6:30am, Badge, Rocky, and Stonepaw went outside to patrol their territory. As they did, they came across a coyote that was eating another badger. 

Coyotes were the main predators of American badgers. But at the same time, badgers hunted coyotes. 

So basically, the predators would become each other's prey, and vice versa.

Stonepaw realized that he never taught his sons how to hunt a coyote. 

So getting into his hunting position, the Stone clan leader began to stalk the unsuspecting coyote. 

The coyote was almost finished with eating his badger, but he didn't realize that he was about to get hunted by the very animal he just finished off. 

It would be easy to take down the coyote because his back was turned. So as Stonepaw closed in, the advantage was getting better.

When he was close enough, the boar dove for the hinds legs of the coyote, startling him as Stonepaw bit his back legs. 

The coyote then turned to face his attacker, almost surprised that it was a badger instead of a fox or another coyote. 

After watching their father attack and successfully kill the coyote, Badge and Rocky went over to him and ate some if the coyote.

Someday, the badger brothers would learn how to hunt coyotes on the own. But for today, they would have to keep watching Stonepaw hunt them instead. 

But their day would come sooner or later.

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