Digger's recovery

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As Badge left the sleeping chamber, Digger lay on his comfortable pile of moss, resting from his recent injury. He decided not to move because he was in pain. 

He heard a noise in the chamber so he opened his eyes to see his son Stonepaw standing in front of him with a dead rabbit in his mouth. He put it down in front of Digger so he could eat it. Digger was feeling a little hungry, do he decided to eat some of the rabbit. 

After he had his fill, he left the rest of it in front of him so he could finish it later. He was happy that his son Stonepaw had caught a rabbit just for him. Digger was proud of Stonepaw, an that he was being a good father to his grandsons Badge and Rocky. 

And a good badger to his mate Mudpaw. Stonepaw decided to leave the sleeping chamber so Digger could get some rest. Digger gave an old gentle growl as he closed his eyes and took a nap.

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